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special interest documentaries.

I really struggle with the editing techniques-sound effects. Background dramatic music, flashing, etc. Techniques to try to make it sound as dramatic or energetic as possible. Sensationalism. It totally ruins documentaries for me. If something is interesting, it is interesting in its own right, it doesn't need dramatic music or flashing images to make it interesting.

I agree it is definitely distracting. But in a good way for me, I love the synthesizer bits. My favorites that way are ones about the solar system and outer space. I can just bask in the full experience. Especially alone on a dark winter night with a fire going.
Especially fond of good documentaries with exceptional film footage ranging from the late Victorian period up through the fall of the Soviet Union. 20th century European history is fascinating, but I have to watch WWI documentaries many times to keep all of the players, events, and consequences straight and integrate the information to make sense of other actions. I'll watch anything about international conflicts and political strategies. If we ignore the mistakes of history, we are bound to repeat them. We are still repeating them.

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