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Standing Tall, Keeping Watch


Highland Light, Truro, MA USA

Searched many lighthouse images through program image creations.
OIG (20).jpg

Liked the above the best.
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A good topic. I've got an interesting one for you. Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay has a very narrow entrance for such a huge harbour and the currents that run through that gap as the tides change are horrendous. That entrance is aptly named The Devil's Gate.

There's 3 lighthouses for that entrance but one is much more important than the others. The Low or White Lighthouse at Queenscliff has two lights with a special feature:

"The new high light was continuous white light as was shown in the old sandstone lighthouse, but the new lower light had white and red sectors to assist mariners to determine their position. As ships approached the Heads, a white light showed below the white, upper light, and as the ship advanced, it moved into the red sector of the lower light. While the red light was visible below the white light, the ship was in the channel and could safely enter the bay."

There are many lightvessels still in operation around the coast of the UK. Exactly as is sounds, a ship that has been converted into a lighthouse and weather station and permanently moored at a specific location. The readings can be accessed any time from the met office website, including wind speed, temperature, air pressure and wave height.

Marine observations

Nowadays they are all automated and solar powered.

A reference to lighthouses from Birdhouse in Your Soul, by They Might Be Giants:

There's a picture opposite me
Of my primitive ancestry
Which stood on rocky shores
And kept the beaches shipwreck-free
Though I respect that a lot
I'd be fired if that were my job
After killing Jason off
And countless screaming Argonauts
Hey lighthouse lovers…

What do you think about being a lighthouse keeper? There are many stories out there of lighthouse keepers going mad after too much time in solitude.

Especially among a big group of people who seem to value and rely on solitude, I’m curious what y’all’s thoughts are on on being the keeper of the lighthouse. Do you think you could withstand the solitude? Do you think you might thrive as the keeper of the lighthouse? Would you chat with the waves and the clouds like I would?

My initial thoughts are that I would actually do okay as a lighthouse keeper. The daily duties would form a clean routine and the changing of the skies and the tides would keep time in an interesting way. Because somewhere inside me, I am human, I do think probably a few months at a time would be enough and then come back to land or town for a little while. But back in town, I can only imagine that I would look to the lighthouse and hope to be the keeper again soon.
Hey lighthouse lovers…

What do you think about being a lighthouse keeper? There are many stories out there of lighthouse keepers going mad after too much time in solitude.

Especially among a big group of people who seem to value and rely on solitude, I’m curious what y’all’s thoughts are on on being the keeper of the lighthouse. Do you think you could withstand the solitude? Do you think you might thrive as the keeper of the lighthouse? Would you chat with the waves and the clouds like I would?

My initial thoughts are that I would actually do okay as a lighthouse keeper. The daily duties would form a clean routine and the changing of the skies and the tides would keep time in an interesting way. Because somewhere inside me, I am human, I do think probably a few months at a time would be enough and then come back to land or town for a little while. But back in town, I can only imagine that I would look to the lighthouse and hope to be the keeper again soon.
Great question! I think I'd be almost exactly the same as you.

I think I would love the solitude, after all I almost go mad from not enough time in solitude. Then there is the routine and the electronics, a favourite subject of mine. I would have a few radios of course, a lighthouse would be perfect. High up, less modern electronics to interfere, and any electronics would be up to the proper standards. I could string a huge antenna from the top and being so close to all that salt water would add to the signal reception perfectly. Who knows what kind of signals I could pull in on a short wave/medium wave/long wave radio. I would talk to fishing boats late at night.

Might take a while to get used to the massive amounts of water crashing against the tower though.
Here's a book that could be interesting, "Svenska Fyrar". That means Swedish Lighthouses. :) Also, the National Lighthouse Day in the US is on August 7. So that's coming up soon.


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