Black and white thinking refers to irrationally thinking in extremes such as saying everyone is smart of dumb while ignoring what is in-between (some people are average). Saying that a coin only has 2 sides or that I believe the few times I heard several people call someone self-absorbed were always correct is not black and white thinking.
Nearly everyone I've heard who claimed they were being gaslighted were living in an alternate reality, misunderstanding people due to thinking irrationally and experiencing abnormal emotions because of it. These people usually also suffer from a cognitive distortion called emotional reasoning which means they think with their emotions instead of logical reasoning which often leads them astray and makes it nearly impossible to get them to recognize what they're doing.
Studies show conservatives have low rates of mental illness while those who self-identify as liberals have much higher rates of mental illness. One study found that most young women in the US who self-identified as liberal were mentally ill. Here's a link:
Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness.
My experience strongly confirms what studies have shown. I think cognitive distortions are causing you to misunderstand conservatives since the stuff you wrote about conservatives is inconsistent with my experience with them.
I don't see any need for grace since I don't think anyone is attacking you. I recommended CBT because I think it would reduce your stress, help you understand people better, improve your relationships, and increase your quality of life. I think the question you ultimately have to ask yourself is, "Do you want to get better?" It's easier to find faults in others since no one is perfect and use that as an excuse to ignore advice and do nothing.
Anyone can believe that they are "rational" and others are "irrational" and
posting that link is showing you are being very partisan, and not objective, as you're trying to present yourself. Those "studies" are SPUN, and by selecting different data, can be made to say whatever anyone wants them to.
I've seen more of them saying the opposite (I don't even want to mention the party/wing names; but recent politics of the last few years makes that side look more believable). Clearly, there's an agenda to pitch one political view, and as Knower of Nothing said, this is not the place for it.
So basically, what you were suggesting is that moving to conservative areas will solve the problems I was mentioning (attributed to other forms of "mental illness"), but if anything, it would likely be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. I'm seeing the same exact denial of inconsistencies, and deflectionary tactics now. I never said I was being "attacked" (at least in this discussion. But you can't answer for every other person I've had a conflict with in my life to say none of them were ever attacking, but you seem to be generalizing that each instance must be just our "cognitive distortions"). So that's an easy straw man.
You sound like you're taking these common traits of autism and using them wrongly in the debate. (i.e. what you're saying is wrong, because you're still in your irrational cognitive distortion state unlike me).
I started this topic to voice some inconsistencies I've seen in the world, in relation to autistic people, and to suggest that some of the judgments and labels were a bit overblown, and not taking into consideration the flaws NT's exhibit in the patter, or their part in conflicts. To you, this is all "cognitive distortions",
rendering the entire perspective invalid. (And when I call this out, that's another "cognitive distortion"!) Again, that is such an easy cop-out. So now, anything I say you can call a "cognitive distortion". Just like in politics, people then just end up talking past each other, just thinking they're right and the other is wrong.
Yes, people like you
DO need to have "grace", because you yourself are misjudging others, and posing as the "coach" to show me (or others) how to fix my life ("increase the quality" even, etc.) and it becomes about
me "
wanting to get better," which again puts you in this authoritative place, because
if I dispute what you say, then I'm "refusing to grow" (—
right?) But that's a wrong setup.
There's two people here having a discussion (not a counselling session), both imperfect, and with room to grow, and who need to hear the other's perspective!
That is a very typical tautological tactic, used by both self-help fads and religious movements such as "prosperity gospel" to ensure they cannot be refuted, because it's just everyone else's obstinacy. Some words Jesus spoke (I hope this isn't a problem; we've already brought politics into this which is enough) are very applicable: "If you [recognized you were] were blind, you would have no [error]: but now you say, 'We see'; therefore your [error] remains."