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Statistics: Covid & Vaccines

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I believe that vaccines are great as a method. Our family has been fine with most of them, but some have been losers.
Gardasil has harmed more people than it has helped --and has the lawsuits to prove it! That is why the Covid vaccines have insisted on legal immunity.

And people with immune system issues should not be so quick to try new ones until they have been cleared for us.
They didn’t get legal immunity in the US. When I analyzed the COVID-19 research data that both Pfizer and Moderna submitted to the FDA for the purpose of obtaining the agency’s approval, it didn’t take me too long to realize that they used an incorrect t-tests analysis to arrive to conclusion that the vaccines are beneficial. The correct analysis shows that these vaccines are as good as the placebo. I included my findings in our monthly report in 2022. I was right back then.

Currently the Attorney General of Texas is suing Pfizer for using incorrect t-analysis technique. A lot of scientists came to the same conclusion regarding the COVID-19 vaccines, which laid the foundation of the lawsuit.

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer for Misrepresenting COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Conspiring to Censor Public Discourse
I had three shots one each of the majors types terrified of after effects, due to having lost my ability to walk 50 years ago due to the polio vaccine, I had just left the hospital recovering from a stroke where I had to relearn how to walk a second time, most likely caused from catching covid at the beginning of the pandemic. I have no issues with vaccines believe they are effective but my immune system is so sensitive to anything foreign being injected that I'm extremely wary of them,
A lot of people took COVID shots without immediate negative effect. However, long-term effects are currently unknown for the mRNA vaccines.

One the other hand, many people are sensitive to vaccines, just like you are. It appears that sensitivity conditions are more numerous than Pfizer and Moderna are willing to admit. I have some data regarding the conditions that make COVID vaccination dangerous, and will present some of them.

I hope that you’re in good health now, and wish you all the best.
A lot of people took COVID shots without immediate negative effect. However, long-term effects are currently unknown for the mRNA vaccines.

One the other hand, many people are sensitive to vaccines, just like you are. It appears that sensitivity conditions are more numerous than Pfizer and Moderna are willing to admit. I have some data regarding the conditions that make COVID vaccination dangerous, and will present some of them.

I hope that you’re in good health now, and wish you all the best.
Still recovering from the stroke no going for a walk today can eat something, finally that the fever broke. peaked just under 39 degrees. My unusual immune system, AB positive blood, which I got from both my parents. just saved me again. Temperature outside to day is 9 degrees. Eat see if I get my strength back Going to be wet as snow melts. What I caught was most likely coved, my wife got nothing if it was another virus she would also have caught it she is completely immune to covid I'm highly resistant.
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As covid is still prevalent it will get bad in the next few days , as new years day is when every body gets together
irrespective of religion, or ethnicity, my stats showed this is when covid peaks. or at least in Ontario. I noticed the
Sikh temple has their tent up fortunately the virus is airborne if your keep your celebration outside your probably going to be, OK dilution is the solution. suspect the hospital here in Brampton will spike with cases, and peak, new years day.
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Asking around now to find out who else in my family got sick, last year I caught covid positive test Christmas day ate turkey dinner alone fed my sons cold cuts a a week later. Wife asked around sounds like nephew, sister's kid was sick previous and and was still feeling tired.
Have new years eve party coming up wife making Olie Bollen for family who wants to come over new years new years day. Hope I do not get infected again.

For any covid researchers on this site AB positive blood type is the key to covid Korea has a large number of us.
I know some one saw my statistics from the Max Plank institute, happy the following year the boss got a Nobel Prize
in Medicine,
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Temperature was up , oxygen level was down blood pressure , was down yesterday all strong covid infection indicators. This virus now has a one day incubation day. people like me double AB positive are the anomaly.
look at us if you want to find a cure without endless vaccines. I get naturally vaccinated each time I go to a gathering.
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Still recovering from the stroke no going for a walk today can eat something, finally that the fever broke. peaked just under 39 degrees. My unusual immune system, AB positive blood, which I got from both my parents. just saved me again. Temperature outside to day is 9 degrees. Eat see if I get my strength back Going to be wet as snow melts. What I caught was most likely coved, my wife got nothing if it was another virus she would also have caught it she is completely immune to covid I'm highly resistant.
Honestly, I don’t know my blood type. In 2020 I came to conclusion that COVID is not different from other types of flu (I will explain later why I came up with this estimate) and flatly refused to go into a lockdown and wear a mask on the street). For the same reason I chose not to get vaccinated.

In the winter of 2020 I had a sore throat, but it wasn’t due to COVID.

In May 2022 I visited my friend, who was recovering from COVID with her two sons. The older boy was 16 at that time, he had a very mild infection and was spending a lot of time with his girlfriend, who also had a weak case of COVID. Two days before my visit her younger son was having a high fever, but she didn’t take him to a hospital and instead put him on ice, as she called it. When I entered their apartment, he was OK and playing with his hamster.

I spent one hour in their apartment. The window was closed because of malfunctioning of the latch. It was uncomfortably hot; the heating system was on. I could have stayed longer, but decided to leave due to excessive heat

When I came home I felt fine and my condition remained the same for the next 10 days, which is, supposedly, COVID incubational period. This is how I realized that I’m immune to coronavirus.
Going to spend the day watching U-tube videos on covid to see what they have found out so far.
I seldom watch U-tube videos, instead I read newspapers online and watch several TV news programs. In the interest of full disclosure, I’m a news junkie, I do all this at work.

In 2022 all major US newspapers published an abstract of the article showing that the death rate among people, who were jabbed with COVID vaccines, was higher than death rate among unvaccinated individuals. The person, who conducted the research, based it on the CDC data. The CDC didn’t contest their own data and made no comments on the matter.

I don’t remember the title of the article, so I don’t have a link to it. But I found another article that supports the research.

Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most COVID-19 Deaths Right Now? | KFF

Happy New Year!
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I was made aware their was more to covid when a friend told me what he thought was a joke, Neanderthals having bred with humans thousands of years ago was the key to covid. I started looking into this the more I looked the more correct it looked. when covid first hit America, people of African descent thought they were immune, Neanderthals, did not interbred with Africans, slave masters however had. I ever so slowely pieced it together, collecting one data point per day. If you do not have Neanderthal DNA you are immune. 85 percent of the population in USA is immune did not need vaccines. Everything is so politicized now no body cares about the truth any more.
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What amazed me was the worlds fore most expert on Neanderthal's working for an institute doing covid research,
where the top covid researcher also worked in Germany, got the Nobel prize for Medicine. Sticking their middle finger up at the politicians.
Going to party tonight, do I get fever again on New years day, Looks like I caught covid from my nephew, at my brothers birthday celebration two days after Christmas. I expect lots of cases filling hospitals in next few days.
I was made aware their was more to covid when a friend told me what he thought was a joke, Neanderthals having bred with humans thousands of years ago was the key to covid. I started looking into this the more I looked the more correct it looked. when covid first hit America, people of African descent thought they were immune, Neanderthals, did not interbred with Africans, slave masters however had. I ever so slowely pieced it together, collecting one data point per day. If you do not have Neanderthal DNA you are immune. 85 percent of the population in USA is immune did not need vaccines. Everything is so politicized now no body cares about the truth any more.
I have read some time ago that, contrary to original beliefs, Neanderthals are not direct human ancestors, so their DNA was not introduced into the human genome. However, there are some other pre-historic people, who are considered to be human progenitors, including Homo Erectus and a handful of others, whose names I can’t even pronounce.

When there is a flu epidemic in the US, it takes from 30,000 to 70,000 lives depending on a flu virus. African Americans suffer more than any other group, there is even a saying, “When white people catch a cold black people catch pneumonia.” There are flaws in the US health care system that result in poor health among the minorities. I wasn’t paying much attention to statistical data reflecting this inequality, but there is plenty of articles covering this topic.
What amazed me was the worlds fore most expert on Neanderthal's working for an institute doing covid research,
where the top covid researcher also worked in Germany, got the Nobel prize for Medicine. Sticking their middle finger up at the politicians.
That's a very interesting piece of information. I wonder what are are discoveries in this field.
One thing that I noticed later Neaderthal's range really over lapped India, and the latest statistics showed the U.S.
along with India had the highest rate of covid. The Neanderthal data was who carries the DNA. U. S. looks like health care, The Indian results fits my stats. which is from my province.
See Swante Paabo's work.

By using the high-coverage Denisova genome, we are able to show that the admixture rate into East Asians is 40% higher than into Europeans. We conclude that admixture between Neanderthals and modern humans did not occur at a single time and place, as suggested by Green et al.
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One thing that I noticed later Neaderthal's range really over lapped India, and the latest statistics showed the U.S.
along with India had the highest rate of covid. The Neanderthal data was who carries the DNA. U. S. looks like health care, The Indian results fits my stats. which is from my province.
It is true that the US had one of the largest COVID death rates in the world, at least on the paper. But this oddity is due to badly twisted COVID death- rate metric.

Before the COVID pandemic the case of a flu death was reported only when the person’s death certificated stated that he/she died solely because of the flu virus.

The situation was changed dramatically when COVID became a comorbidity on a death certificate. Suppose, someone was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, which has survival rate of only 5%, and caught COVID couple of days before the death. In this case COVID becomes a comorbidity and the person’s death enters the count of daily COVID deaths.

There was a case in the state of Georgia when a person, who died in a car crash, was diagnosed with COVID prior to the collision. Guess what? His death became a COVID statistic!

By the CDC’s own account, only 6% of people, whose deaths were attributed to COVID, had COVID as a sole cause of deaths on the death certificate.

There is an explanation of this strange turn of events. I could go into details, but, as I was told, the majority of members of this forum are not Americans, so they might not be interested in lengthy explanations.
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