I'm sure there are lot's that I do that I haven't noticed or realized yet, but my range of stims already seems to be quite wide.
As I mentioned in another thread, I tend to chew(though sometimes I just simply put it in my mouth) on things, most of the time without knowing exactly when I started. Not sure if this counts as a stim, but based on what I know about them, it seems to meet the criteria. I am quite sure my fingernail/loose skin chewing is a stim. I have quite a few physical stims too, such as knee/leg bouncing, rocking/swaying; I may rock up onto my toes or sway while standing if I am excited or interested in something, pacing and playing with my hands. So far, that's all pretty normal stuff, I think, but I have a few stranger ones. I've only ever heard one person say they did this, but whenever I pass by plants and flowers... I can't resist grabbing some leaf material and massaging it in between my fingers. I have no idea why I do this, but I've done it for as long as I can remember. Not always limited to plants and flowers though. I do tend to be tactile and play with things in general- like glass prisms.
I stimmed with a glass prism today, in fact. My neighbor has this prism thing that stands on its corner, on a corner of his desk... I spun it on that flat edge for about 3 minutes before I caught myself and stopped. I guess I just liked to watch the lights refract around inside as is spun... not the first time I've done that with similar objects.
Edit: crap, I actually failed to answer the question, lol. As to whether it makes a good anxiety reliever, I think the obvious answer(for me at least) is yes, as one of the times I do stim is when I am anxious.