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Store employee shouting a greeting as I enter.

Unfortunately, I work in retail, and I have to say the standard greetings when people enter and exit the store. I absolutely hate it, and I understand that a lot of my customers hate it, but if I don't say it, I could lose my job. So really, it's a lose-lose situation.
I too work in retail but it's in a small town where everyone knows everyone. I'm familiar with a vast majority of my customers and vice versa. I am told to greet everyone that comes in and ask someone who looks lost or suspicious if they need some help. By suspicious I'm talking about someone who's taking an unueually long time, walks around but doesn't buy anything as they walk out, etc. We're trying to be helpful and courteous and prevent ourselves from getting robbed. I can get that. In fact if I didn't say hello at this point everyone would think I'm rude.

As a shopper I'm like basically everyone here. I dread it, it makes me uncomfortable, I don't need help unless I specifically ask. The ones that REALLY get on my nerves are the ones that tell you the sales they have going on even when you say you don't need help. I'm certain that I could've figured out that wallets are buy one get one 1/2 off, there are signs for that reason. Spencers is one of my favorite stores but I greatly dislike entering for that reason.

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