Feathered Jester
I count it as part of the skin category. And who can turn down bacon?You do eat the fat on your bacon, though, right?
It's funny, I actually think that despite how weird it may seem to eat insects (which I only ever do unintentionally), it's an awful lot more natural than processed products like vegetarian meat substitutes. I'm not taking a shot at vegetarians...I used to be one. Just a good example of a highly processed "food". Margarine is another good one.

But when it comes to pork chops and some other meals, no, I don't eat it. It's really gritty and has a strange chewy consistency that I don't like all that much. And then there is gristle and cartilage. That stuff feels awful in my mouth. Bleh! Heh, and for similar reasons why I don't much care for corn on the cob or celery. I like to chew on tough things, but I don't like having to pick veggie threads like corn silk out of my teeth for days.

Margarine is so bad but soooo goood... It's a good thing I don't eat pancakes often, the amount of butter I put on them would probably kill me in no time.