@EricE if you want to get an idea of what 12 step fellowships are like you could try ‘In The Rooms’. It’s an app or web based way to attend meetings where you can share or watch anonymously it’s up to you. There are AA NA and SMART Recovery meetings amongst others on there. It might give you a good idea what to expect before you go. You could also try the ‘Sober Grid’ app for info, support or making sober friends too. I was in and out of 12 step programs for years but truthfully, they weren’t for me. That doesn’t mean that you can’t make it work of course and it’s worth a try.
You might find this book helpful or interesting too - “Aspergers Syndrome and alcohol, drinking to cope”
There are some really great alcohol free beers and wines available now too, things have moved on hugely in that department recently. It might help to bridge the gap between drinking and not drinking until you find something that works. It’s not for everyone and is frowned on by AA, but it gives the taste and experience of a drink with zero alcohol.
I wouldn’t give up alcohol and smoking both at the same time, that’s a lot to take on at once. Perhaps start with the alcohol first. I used to smoke tobacco and weed every day then one day I decided I didn’t want to do it anymore, after over 30 years. I just quit and that was that, I didn’t have any difficulty. Alcohol, I had to cut right down on for the same reasons as you, hence my experiments with alcohol free drinks which are working for me. I also quit heroin years ago after a longstanding addiction, same as tobacco, I just quit after a methadone detox haven’t touched it since. I’m still struggling with other things though, I do my best but I’m no saint. You’re not alone with your difficulties, alcohol and drug abuse is rife in the ASD community, although rarely talked about.
I wish you the best of luck in achieving your aims and beating your demons.