I've messed around and built my own computers for nearly 30 years now and I like to keep up with that technology - within reason. I never buy the latest and greatest, I wait for six months and then it's second best and half the price. Same as the rest of you have mentioned, I tend to only upgrade when things die or it becomes obviously necessary.
I started playing with Linux 20 years ago, although it took a bit of getting used to I kept persevering because it was faster than windows, more reliable, and completely immune to viruses. For many years I ran both Windows and Linux on the same machine so the difference was very obvious.
These days motherboard manufacturers understand that if someone's building their own desktop then there's a greater chance that they're in to gaming and that they're not going to be installing Windows. Non Windows OS is an option in the bios, Windows relies quite heavily on bios carrying out some of it's functions, so if you're not running Windows your computer can run faster.
I never took to phones though, I have one because you really have to these days but it lives permanently plugged in to the back of the computer and it's very rarely that I'll take it with me when I go out.
I started playing with Linux 20 years ago, although it took a bit of getting used to I kept persevering because it was faster than windows, more reliable, and completely immune to viruses. For many years I ran both Windows and Linux on the same machine so the difference was very obvious.
These days motherboard manufacturers understand that if someone's building their own desktop then there's a greater chance that they're in to gaming and that they're not going to be installing Windows. Non Windows OS is an option in the bios, Windows relies quite heavily on bios carrying out some of it's functions, so if you're not running Windows your computer can run faster.
I agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly but Open Office fell by the wayside many years ago, it was superceded by Libre Office. Worth all of you trying, runs on Win, Mac and Linux and it's free.Great reasons for Linux and Open Office
I never took to phones though, I have one because you really have to these days but it lives permanently plugged in to the back of the computer and it's very rarely that I'll take it with me when I go out.