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Telepathy or TeleMpathy?

None of you have described reading another's mind. I'll leave it there, because of the privacy issues involved.
Telepathy isn't about reading minds, it is about communicating through feelings between empathic people, and of course animals as they often have much more empathy than humans.
They say twins often know things telempathically.

I wonder if there's more quantum entanglement with siblings?
It depends on the individual siblings responses to early events in their lives.
For instance two naturally empathic siblings or one of them may respond to adverse events in a negative way, this tends to invert innate empathy and the child or both may turn out bullies or victims instead.
All I know is my son who is non-verbal can "speak" a lot without words. We almost always know what he wants and he's very sensitive to moods of others, especially my wife.
Yes, Dr Edward Hall, also a Native American Mohawk said autistics have a licence to be shamen.
Cultivated right, this could be a real asset for your son and people he comes into contact with.
I sense it is very different for most of us. We are all quite unique.

I have been considering that those who are in this autistic spectrum actually think and reflect differently than those not in this category. I do know that for me I do think differently. There most likely are many reasons for this. One of them being the theory that autistic's brain patterns are, dare I say it, more evolved.

For humanity to actually evolve itself there needs to be ways of thinking which are more elevated. There are many genius people in that strictly linear thinking category. That is not the same kind of thing I am talking about in this instance.

Any way I am being guided to consider these things as authentic potentials.

Tony Atwood, the leading expert on Asperger's said something like the spectrum could be the next stage of human evolution.
Do you feel you may be picking things up in a kind of telepathic way, or is it just that you're so used to how he communicates that perhaps you see things most people don't, so to someone observing it might just look like that?

It's a bit of both.
It's just human pattern recognition with selective memory. You can't trust yourself with your own memory literally.

Two examples.
(A) Something exciting happened in my youth that was funny. My good friend would tell that story to other friends. Each time he told the story the fish got bigger and bigger. At least from what I remember of the original incident.
(B) Another friend of mine who is a very nice kind person and incredibly religious kind of went off the deep end. She told me god was directly talking to her to do nice things for others and she would get rewarded in cash. God would give her clues on what to do next and she would do it. No one could explain why it happened. Then she asked me and obviously I already had the answer before she finished her sentence. I very delicately told her that humans are amazing pattern recognizer. It is one of our survival traits. But it is also a detriment because we can see patterns in things that have no relevance to one another. Also that we alter our own memories to what we like and don't even realize it. So it was very likely she was witnessing what she wanted and ignoring the coincidence and then being creative with the story convincing herself it was the truth.

A simple manifestation of this is called the Mandela Effect. Which I experienced just last week. There is this horror movie called "The Ruins" which I saw a number of years ago. I watched it again with my son because he likes horror movies. I would have bet money that the ending of the movie was one way. When I saw the ending the 2nd time it was completely different than what I swore was the ending. I had modified my own memory.

Another possible explanation that usually occurs with couples who are very emotionally close is a merging of personalities of a sort. You adapt features of the other person and they of you. Since we are all humans our brains can think similarly due to merged humor or way of thinking. Usually for me it is humor. My wife and I were talking about something in the car today and I had a funny thought about it. Right there my wife started to make a joke about it and I knew exactly what she was going to say before she got beyond "and what if we...."

If there is real telepathy I wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with quantum entanglement.
Channelling was mentioned.
This is more like what I thought of telepathy.
If I am channelling, IMO, I am receiving words from another source other than my own thoughts.
There is a totally different feeling in self thought and blanking out that self thought which allows
words to come into your mind without thinking.

Not to interfere, I write it with eyes closed.
Same with drawings or paintings. Eyes closed, self set aside.
Rather like a receiver such as a radio to keep it simple. Only I'm not mechanical, nor is my conciousness.
This is getting closer to mind reading, but, it isn't that either.

I've never known someone who can read someone's mind.
But, because I believe in a higher energy level of self that exists beyond the denser human body,
if you existed on that level the need for physical speech might not be needed.
That is my definition of telepathy and animals are more profecient in it than humans.
But, there are humans capable of a form of speechless communication with animals.

It probably does have something to do with quantum entanglement and the different levels of
energy vibrations.
I am receiving words from another source other than my own thoughts. There is a totally different feeling in self thought
This reminds me of an experience I had in India.

I went out to get some fruit. Fruit was usually purchased from small carts just being pushed along that people stopped and bought things from. I saw one cart full of bananas and went over to buy some. Even though I didn't understand what the man was saying, it was as if I he was telling me I wasn't able to. So I accepted it and walked on and as I did, I had a strange thought... "take a walk into town but go via the road you never take".

The thought seemed so different to how I would normally think, I immediately did so. The road I never take was poorly maintained, difficult to walk down, and I'd avoided it because there were other routes I could take that were nicer.

About half way down, I saw a woman coming out of a house with a basket of bananas on her head. She saw me looking, beckoned me over, and I bought a few hands of a variety of tiny bananas that I'd never tried before that were delicious. :)
This reminds me of an experience I had in India.

I went out to get some fruit. Fruit was usually purchased from small carts just being pushed along that people stopped and bought things from. I saw one cart full of bananas and went over to buy some. Even though I didn't understand what the man was saying, it was as if I he was telling me I wasn't able to. So I accepted it and walked on and as I did, I had a strange thought... "take a walk into town but go via the road you never take".

The thought seemed so different to how I would normally think, I immediately did so. The road I never take was poorly maintained, difficult to walk down, and I'd avoided it because there were other routes I could take that were nicer.

About half way down, I saw a woman coming out of a house with a basket of bananas on her head. She saw me looking, beckoned me over, and I bought a few hands of a variety of tiny bananas that I'd never tried before that were delicious. :)
Yes, you can get thoughts that "aren't your own".

Years ago, I dabbled in Spiritualism and wanted to be a medium because, basically, I had low self esteem and was wanting to do it for egocentric reasons.

I was stoned at the time and stared into a candle hoping for something non mundane to happen. Mundane was "bad".
In my head popped a thought "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing". I had a boyfriend who was born with a gift, and I wanted to be like him. I hero worshipped people in those days.

Foolishly I ignored this and in the time after, I still wanted to boost my ego to feel better about myself and develop "a gift".

One day, I was still wanting to emulate my boyfriend, out of the blue, I was sat on the toilet, and "Evil forces are at work" came into my head, I didn't think that.

Staying on the wrong path, misfortune did arise, I did make errors, (for another thread) - These days I am not into spiritualism, that is not to say I deny the existence of the vastness of what is outside of everyday perception, I just, through my errors and misfortune, slowly learnt, (and am still learning) to choose the right path. Those messages were telling me I was on the wrong one.
I think so too.

I've had a few strange telempathic experiences. One in particular comes to mind.

I was sitting on the floor of my friend's room one evening, when her friend came round to see her. I had never seen her before and was just sitting quietly, not involved in their conversation; they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for a while and were catching up. I listened to some of what she said, when she talked about a recent traumatic experience she'd had with an ex-boyfriend, when suddenly, I found myself feeling like the answers she was giving were exactly the same thing I might say. It wasn't that I knew what she was going to say, it felt like the experience she was describing had happened to me, and this was how I would have talked about it.

Then it got stranger. I began to spontaneously have an internal conversation with her, and the words she used to respond to her friend, which were on a totally different subject, would also reply to me perfectly. Part of me knew this was weird, while at the same time it was happening. I was talking to her in my head, while she was talking to her friend, yet her words replied to my questions, which were completely different to what they were talking about.

I can't remember how long this went on for. I hadn't said anything to her the whole time she was there. There was no hello or goodbye, I was just someone in the room who happened to be there while she was visiting her friend.

That sounds a real telepathic conversation between you and that person! I

What i have experienced is to feel when somebody is thinking of me by getting a visual picture of them in my mind. With some i would hear or and feel their thoughts about me or feel their emotions,like being mine. It was like i am connected to them.

What happens very often with friends that i speak is to think about them and then they will call me or the opposite and to start writing them a text message the moment they are writing me.
the tele- prefix is unnecessary. Empathy is defined as being able to understand and share the feelings of another.

The tele- prefix means something from a distance. It comes from greek which means far.

I find it can apply both ways,because you can feel someone's emotions from any distance possible. They don't need to be in the same room with you.
So for me, the prefix tele- shows the ability of being/getting connected with others without the necessity of the physical proximity. It is a connection,without any physical limitations.
The science bit confuses me, yet science can of course be spiritual.

For me, telepathy is communication in silence between two entities, with high empathy, using feelings.
Where words come in is when the mind translates those feelings, like with animal communicators, so that the animal communicator can then go on to tell a person what that animal wants, or has to communicate.
You might want to look at this animal communicator for clarification, she puts it better than me. The Animal Communicator | AnimalSpirit
Of course humans can communicate telepathically through feelings.

I once mentioned on here that I think ancient humans communicated telepathically and language and speech was used only for the art of storytelling to pass wisdom down to future generations. These stories are myth and folklore.

I also have read that in ancient times humans used telepathy to communicate with each other,like for example when they hunted or to warn about a danger.
This reminds me of an experience I had in India.

I went out to get some fruit. Fruit was usually purchased from small carts just being pushed along that people stopped and bought things from. I saw one cart full of bananas and went over to buy some. Even though I didn't understand what the man was saying, it was as if I he was telling me I wasn't able to. So I accepted it and walked on and as I did, I had a strange thought... "take a walk into town but go via the road you never take".

The thought seemed so different to how I would normally think, I immediately did so. The road I never take was poorly maintained, difficult to walk down, and I'd avoided it because there were other routes I could take that were nicer.

About half way down, I saw a woman coming out of a house with a basket of bananas on her head. She saw me looking, beckoned me over, and I bought a few hands of a variety of tiny bananas that I'd never tried before that were delicious. :)

Wow! That is a very interesting story. You trusted your inclination and followed that thought.
Wow! That is a very interesting story. You trusted your inclination and followed that thought.
I can't say I know where that thought came from. From a deeper part of me or somewhere else. But it didn't feel like a coincidence that I happened to find a woman selling bananas.

Something knew there were bananas to be found down that road. That a woman would leave her house at precisely the right moment I was walking past. How? Guardian Angels? Guides? It wasn't the first time I'd felt guided this way.

As everything is connected, science calls it quantum entanglement, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility to know there were bananas to be had and how to get them. But it didn't feel like "I knew". I only knew I ought to follow that thought.
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The tele- prefix means something from a distance. It comes from greek which means far.

I find it can apply both ways,because you can feel someone's emotions from any distance possible. They don't need to be in the same room with you.
So for me, the prefix tele- shows the ability of being/getting connected with others without the necessity of the physical proximity. It is a connection,without any physical limitations.

Distance is not in the definition of empathy. It has nothing to do with immediate proximity: you can feel empathy for a person on the other side of the world. The tele- prefix is not necessary.
I also have read that in ancient times humans used telepathy to communicate with each other,like for example when they hunted or to warn about a danger.
I think it was the norm until centuries ago when humanity started disconnecting from nature, trying to control other humans and using verbal communication to talk.
I can't say I know where that thought came from. From a deeper part of me or somewhere else. But it didn't feel like a coincidence that I happened to find a woman selling bananas.

Something knew there were bananas to be found down that road. That a woman would leave her house at precisely the right moment I was walking past. How? Guardian Angels? Guides? It wasn't the first time I'd felt guided this way.

As everything is connected, science calls it quantum entanglement, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility to know there were bananas to be had and how to get them. But it didn't feel like "I knew". I only knew I ought to follow that thought.
These type of thoughts, that we know are not from our own intentional
thinking abilities, I have often wondered about also.

Are they from Guides or a spiritual being that we are picking up
on without trying?
Or are they from our "higher self" that we are making a physical
thought form connection with ?
Higher self, meaning since everything is connected, your consciousness
is already connected to a different level that knows more than the physical
brain has learned in the current life.
And some people get bits of information from that finer energy level.
It could be either.

The incidents of thinking of someone they would like to
speak with, then they call in a few seconds and vice versa
have been documented as often happening with people.
Or you know the doorbell is about to ring and it is the person you
are wanting to speak with, etc.
Called intuition, but, where does it really come from?

It happens with me most every time a person with whom I feel
a close connection to in a spiritual way calls or texts.
I look at the phone and think to him in my mind that I wish he would
call right now. I really need this friend to talk with and generally
before I can reach out to him, the phone or a text comes through
and it is him. And this is not someone I see or hear from frequently.
He usually starts off with I was just thinking about you, or I was
just reading some e-mail he saved from the past, or holding a stone
I have given him, and he calls at the moment I am wishing he would.

Are we both aware on some level that we need to speak?
And where does that come from?
Are we both aware on some level that we need to speak?
And where does that come from?
I would say yes. Science describes it as quantum entanglement. So technically you are not separate from him, and therefore your feeling or his feeling, depending on your frequency, intertwines in a way that some part of you recognises and it just happens because this is a divine symphony.
intuition, but, where does it really come from?
I would go with what gets called the higher self, or soul, doesn't really matter.
There are levels of consciousness that have access to, can see from, a greater perspective. Like someone standing on the mountaintop looking over the valley at somebody who is attempting to navigate through that valley. They are in a better position to guide them because they can see more of the picture.
I can't say I know where that thought came from. From a deeper part of me or somewhere else. But it didn't feel like a coincidence that I happened to find a woman selling bananas.

Something knew there were bananas to be found down that road. That a woman would leave her house at precisely the right moment I was walking past. How? Guardian Angels? Guides? It wasn't the first time I'd felt guided this way.

As everything is connected, science calls it quantum entanglement, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility to know there were bananas to be had and how to get them. But it didn't feel like "I knew". I only knew I ought to follow that thought.

Sounds like you have a strong connection with your self. You are in tune with it.

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