I can't say I know where that thought came from. From a deeper part of me or somewhere else. But it didn't feel like a coincidence that I happened to find a woman selling bananas.
Something knew there were bananas to be found down that road. That a woman would leave her house at precisely the right moment I was walking past. How? Guardian Angels? Guides? It wasn't the first time I'd felt guided this way.
As everything is connected, science calls it quantum entanglement, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility to know there were bananas to be had and how to get them. But it didn't feel like "I knew". I only knew I ought to follow that thought.
These type of thoughts, that we know are not from our own intentional
thinking abilities, I have often wondered about also.
Are they from Guides or a spiritual being that we are picking up
on without trying?
Or are they from our "higher self" that we are making a physical
thought form connection with ?
Higher self, meaning since everything is connected, your consciousness
is already connected to a different level that knows more than the physical
brain has learned in the current life.
And some people get bits of information from that finer energy level.
It could be either.
The incidents of thinking of someone they would like to
speak with, then they call in a few seconds and vice versa
have been documented as often happening with people.
Or you know the doorbell is about to ring and it is the person you
are wanting to speak with, etc.
Called intuition, but, where does it really come from?
It happens with me most every time a person with whom I feel
a close connection to in a spiritual way calls or texts.
I look at the phone and think to him in my mind that I wish he would
call right now. I really need this friend to talk with and generally
before I can reach out to him, the phone or a text comes through
and it is him. And this is not someone I see or hear from frequently.
He usually starts off with I was just thinking about you, or I was
just reading some e-mail he saved from the past, or holding a stone
I have given him, and he calls at the moment I am wishing he would.
Are we both aware on some level that we need to speak?
And where does that come from?