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Challenge -Autumn


  • 271D7208-5A56-4022-9C0A-EC291BAEB3F3.jpeg
    180.1 KB · Views: 50
This was amazing! I tried to reacted feelings in pictures I made and music I made but lack the knowledge to use the software/ instruments. You really an alien! Can I use Your sound for my next sound creation when I feel better?
And secondly.... How did You do that?
This was amazing! I tried to reacted feelings in pictures I made and music I made but lack the knowledge to use the software/ instruments. You really an alien! Can I use Your sound for my next sound creation when I feel better?
And secondly.... How did You do that?
I meant to write 'recreated'....
This was mazing! I tried to reacted feelings in pictures I made and music I made but lack the knowledge to use the software/ instruments. You really an alien! Can I use Your sound for my next sound creation when I feel better?
And secondly.... How did You do that?


Thanks! That's another one of my super special interests, modular synthesis (I made a sound design thread on here under the music section if you want to see more or participate in audio remixes specifically!). I encourage the remixing of both forms, so anything I've made can be remixed by anyone!

There are a lot of modular environments out there (if you want to try out a free one, check out VCV Rack or the plugin fork Cardinal), and I'd be glad to help anyone get started if they feel so inclined! It can be a little tough for people to get into at first, but it's very rewarding once you know your way around :)

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