Hey everyone,
Not sure what everyone thinks of this idea, but thought I'd just put it out there in case anyone felt like giving it a go. It's called 'the buddy bench' system, and the video below should explain how it works.
If someone is already sitting on the bench when you get here, all you have to do is type '(your name) sits next to (their name) on the bench' and then start by asking them a question. A few examples are below for anyone feeling unsure:
1) How is your day?
2) What's your favourite colour?
3) What's your favourite thing to eat?
4) What's your favourite animal, and why?
5) Would you like to try and find out what we share in common?
Should you be feeling shy and prefer a private conversation instead of talking via the thread, you can always take the conversation into a private message - just let the other person/ people know that you feel that way when sitting on the bench by saying '(your name) is sitting on the bench, hoping for a private chat', or something.
When you're ready to leave the bench, all you need to do is to thank the other person/ people for their time, and type '(your name) gets up from the bench'. It's up to you whether you'd like to 'shake hands' or 'do a little curtsy' before leaving as well. Need to keep talking after the other person leaves? Then check the bench again for anyone new, or create a new post letting people know you're still on the bench.
Keep in mind that anyone on the buddy bench could be feeling anxious to talk to others, so respect is important in trying to avoid accidentally hurting someone's feelings. Also keep in mind that sometimes the site might have more people at some times, and less people at others, so don't feel too discouraged if you don't find someone right away. They might take a bit of time to get back to you.