How are you going to get things worked out if the thread is shut down?
I wonder if this statement is central to GC's feelings about all this ... not her point so much as her feelings about the OP & now this thread? Btw GC, if I am off base, no need to get caught up in explaining & untangling all this, you can just reply with a NO.
GC asked I think twice, "how will we get things worked out?" ... Whereas others including myself see the prospect of people disagreeing & the civility breaking down in a very negative way ... GC may see it as continuing to 'talk' through the differing opinions until some sort of agreement or resolution is achieved. Or perhaps she & others will ultimately agree to disagree. But she wants to "work things out" ... which is not the same as debating & arguing in her view point & feeling.
Whereas it seems that some Aspies are not keen to hear (or otherwise absorb & analyze) new information that is contrary to their existing belief system. So there is never really a meeting of the minds - or working through to a resolution via discussion - when there is disagreement. So rather than devolve into argument & mutual bad feelings, many prefer to wisely avoid that possible outcome altogether.
It also seems that although GC may become offended, disappointed & even hurt; she does not seem to hold grudges or bitterness. Many Aspies on the other hand report feeling great bitterness, even anger, & long held grudges for sometimes the seemingly slightest of events. (I don't know whether that is due to Aspergers itself or a separate co-existing issue.)
Anyway, I am just pointing out what I see as some emotional & personality differences in how different people here may be responding to the overall topic. I share this in an attempt to help bridge the crosswalk of misunderstanding ... & alleviate potentially bad or hurt feelings over this (not mine) .... because some here are obviously (& rightfully) concerned & quite defensive about preserving the sanctuary on AC .... & I think GC cares about her friendships with most of you & may be left feeling disrespected & unappreciated by the tone of some replies.
Just my two (more) cents. Because of course the policy is not going to change, & the Mods have always exercised very good judgment, & GC herself is never uncivil or rude, but no point in stepping on her fluffy kitty tail in the meantime & making her feel uncared for.