I don’t want to be cured of my autistic symptoms. I’m happy with how I am and I’ve never really actually ever lived without any symptoms so I don’t know what life is like without them.
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Isn’t Moms Across America a right-wing antivax group that has done some kinda harmful stuff?
Moms Across America: 'Consumer' group promotes health scares, targets GMOs and chemicals
According to an article in Autism Parenting Magazine entitled "Is the Weed Killer Glyphosate Harming Your Health?" it states that over the last 30 years there has been a steady increase in autism. A cause for this would have to be something that wasn't there at the beginning of the trend and steadily increased. The author of this article had been studying autism and looking for its cause for 25 years.
That's what you store in a pesticide cabinet. Poisons.I was working on a ceiling in a farmers barn here a few years ago, fixing it. I noticed a big cabinet in the corner with warning stickers on it, the kind of warnings with sculls and crossbones. It made me so curious that I had to take a closer look at the inside of it. It was where he stored the pesiticides and chemicals he is using for farming and holy crap it was bad! It was just pure poison everywhere, a cabinet of death.
These kinds of associations are very common. Yes Glyphosate is a pathogen and is damaging to biology. Actually, that's it’s very purpose.According to an article in Autism Parenting Magazine entitled "Is the Weed Killer Glyphosate Harming Your Health?" it states that over the last 30 years there has been a steady increase in autism.
My understanding is that of all the options for an herbicide, glyphosate showed no obvious harmful side effects in mammals using 1970s standards. That's why they went with that over a bunch of other options. Sometimes it comes down to picking the least bad option and you go with it. Without GMO crops and herbicides and pesticides and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, the world would starve and die back to 1960s levels of population. 50% dead and another 25% "food insecure."These kinds of associations are very common. Yes Glyphosate is a pathogen and is damaging to biology. Actually, that's it’s very purpose.
Such articles, however suggests that autism is a disease. Stating that over the last 30 years there has been a steady increase in autism is a misnomer. Awareness of autism has likewise been increasing over the past 30 years.
Throughout the 70 years of my life, I have known many people – many children – during my childhood that I now know is autistic, but didn't know anything about autism back then. I don't think there has been any change in the frequency of autistic's, only a change in the awareness of it.
In my career field I have learned that evidence is never proof of anything; regardless how many instances or duration of any evidence. Proof of anything is only realized by the mechanism of the action. Evidence can be tracked for decades / centuries and still be based on false associations. For example, evidence shows that sugar causes diabetes (elevated blood-sugar). The evidence is that eating sugar raises blood-sugar. However, sugar is indeed not the cause. Elevated blood-sugar when consuming sugar is a symptom, not the cause. The cause is insulin resistance (the cause of insulin resistance is too complex for this post). This misperception has persisted for over 100 years.
For what it's worth, autism is a part of me and who I am. Indeed my autism has caused many difficulties, issues and hardships, however, curing me of autism would not be a benefit, it would be catastrophic. It should be understood that every person that has ever lived suffers from their own issues. Suffering, is not exclusive to autistics.
And it starts with the misleading statement about the marked increase in "autism that has been noted" over the last 30 years. And then goes on to BS us by leading us to assume that it is an actual increase.Here is the article
https://www.autismparentingmagazine.com/weed-killer-glyphosate-harming-your-health/I'll admit one or two cases of improvement certainly don't make a cure. Also you cannot overlook the role played by clostridia (which existed before glyphosate). The author shows an increase in the incidence of autism that seems to correlate with the increase in the use of glyphosate.
I first learned of autism when read the book Son Rise quite a number of years ago. I don't have the book now, but if I remember correctly the boy showed the greatest improvement when they changed to a healthier diet- organic?- I don't remember exactly.
The problem with curemongers isI am absolutely shocked by all the negativity to my post. Here is a way to possibly prevent and reverse the symptoms of autism and all you need do is change the diet to organic foods.
That was a fair hypothesis (for severe co-morbids, not autism), but it has been thoroughly ruled out....just as fraudulent science was used against thimerisol.
That is not true for severe co-morbid conditions (on top of autism).ASD is one of those things that one is actually born with...