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The Dark Arts

Before l have coffee in the morning, l feel like this.

Snakes and skulls seems simply sangine.


  • 0745920ae6803b9c1ec291d8b35fcbcc.jpg
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I cannot divorce my day from happiness and listen to Green Day.

(You do you, though, GW!)
I wish I had seen the musical American Idiot. An interesting take was the modern incarnation of Spring Awakening where the music mirrored the inner turmoil of the teen's thoughts. I enjoy all
Looks so much like a Calavera that one would encounter on Dia de los Muertos. Yet that holiday is a celebration of life.
Twin Peaks season 3. That was dark art. After watching it for a while I had to turn off the tv and check that I wasn't high on drugs. So weird and dark.

^ When I was in high school, I got the VHS box set one year. I watched it so much I really can't watch the show anymore. But season three was a lot of fun. I'm not fanatical about Lynch like I used to be, but it was great to go back into that world for a little.
^ When I was in high school, I got the VHS box set one year. I watched it so much I really can't watch the show anymore. But season three was a lot of fun. I'm not fanatical about Lynch like I used to be, but it was great to go back into that world for a little.

I was addicted to that show back in the 90s. It was the best thing on tv.
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Life itself can be dark at times, or at least with a dark sense of humour.

Viewer warning - dead animal.


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