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The future of Political Discussions on AF

I understand a certain thread I started may have set off this thread. The mood at my office that day was dour. I apologize because even though it involved a topic affecting people with autism, I really just wanted to air out a personal grievance.
Someone might want to repost this, but if not, here we go...

If I can have the table, I would like to share an admission here.

I really went off the rails here last night and blew a gasket over political posts I perceived as negative.
There was no excuse for that and it was very harsh.

We all joined here either for support or for knowledge.
Some pass the knowledge out, while others gather it.

I was one who came here seeking knowledge.
I stuck around until Brent brought me on as an admin.

Early on it was a lot of work until things got settled down.
We had some messes to clean up and ropes to learn, but eventually we got it sorted out.

A few years have passed, and we got to welcome @Satal here as our new owner/IT professional.

Times were looking great and we had a firm handle on things.

Then I started to see posts that I didn't like.
The ones that got my ire.
I considered those types of posts spreading fear and panic, which they feel like to me.
Most of the time, I rarely react with more than disappointment and shrug it off.
Sometimes I get kind of irate.
Last night, I blew a gasket and went off the rails.

It wasn't until I had a conversation with @tree that I realized that my irrational reaction was the result of a trigger that escalated into a meltdown over political differences.

No way!

Yeah, way

So here I am, trying to explain all of this to those who might listen and humbly asking if I can get all of you to try to understand that this Superman found his kryptonite.
Nitro, I know/knew. I understand. I love you for who you are. I suspect that is true for most of the others of us as well.

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