To be honest, I seem to be pretty emotional most of the time, but, ok, yesterday on a forum that people ask question and receive answers ( Yahoo Answers), a young girl of 15 said that she is systematically physcially abused by her older brother of 17 and he said that he will stop when he puts her in hospital. If that is not bad enough, her parents know this is happening and threaten her that if she goes to the police, they will make her life hell and her sister who has moved home, does not even believe she is being physically abused. I was crying and very angry as I read her question and all I could do, was explain that they are just threats and she can go to the police, but if she can, take photos of her bruising and see if she can tape her "brother" abusing her.
If being an aspie was hinged on being a cold hearted person, I would throw it out that I am an aspie; as cold is not what I am. I only having staring eyes occasionally and it was some time this year, for the first time, someone said: why are you staring at me? And I was not; but through this person; very embarrassed and ashamed. I do not even have a monotoned voice and smile more than sour faced.