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The mutual flies check

Every once in a while I will do a 'boob check', but I always make sure my wife isn't looking. If she catch's me looking, I tell her that I'm old, not dead.
Aha!! So you do check mens stuff! :D
I blame the staring on the autism these days. Just my nature, after all! ;)
And the artist in me is always cataloging the body from head to toe for future references. It's very interesting how many cuts of pants will put a bulge in places no body parts are creating. Not that I'm making a crack on some men, but I've seen some women in loose pants where the material bunches up to give them a wee package. Rather interesting. On par with back titties.

You hunt blood stains? this is curious, can you elaborate?
Women who are close to starting the least pleasant portion of their cycle but do not want to preemptively apply an absorbent and would rather risk the embarrassment of The Backside Sniper Scope.

A closed fly is very important if you run commando :DOh lord help us all.
Men and women both tend to agree blue jeans are some of the most uncomfortable things to run commando in. I concur. :D
I look at people head to toe.
I have noticed some particular interest by some people in gender related area's of the body (same sex or other), but havn't given it much thought.
It does tie in with some other social constructs.
Well, you're really only looking at the zipper, right? I leave my fly undone quite often, and people remind me to XYZ. I just thought it must be so obvious.

I had a economics professor who wore those houndstooth pants that restaurant cooks wear with mukluks on his feet. He stood at the blackboard writing along with his lectures, one hand in his pants pocket, pulling his unzipped zipper wide open. Luckily he had long johns on (it was January term). Didn't take any classes of his during the warmer months.

I didn't think there might be another purpose for the boob check other than appreciating the local scenery.
We women expect that! :rolleyes: BUT, do you "zipper check"? o_O

I like to, as On the Inside put it, appreciate the local scenery, though, as a gentleman, never when I'm in the company of a lady.
Something that always confuses me, does Grumpy Cat's :rolleyes: indicate womens' long suffering of mens so called 'That's all we think about' attitude? If so why is it that women also enjoy the attention and how can I tell the difference, when it's appropriate or not?

The Backside Sniper Scope.

Brilliant! :D I had to think for a minute, now I've got the image.. I'll keep an eye out :p
..What are back titties though?
I know what you mean about that inadvertent bulge when you sit down.. I've found fiddling with it to make it go flat in public's not a good idea, however, as I've received this look.. o_O several times and it's totally impossible anyway!.. Go on, who's trying to right now? :D

He stood at the blackboard writing along with his lectures, one hand in his pants pocket, pulling his unzipped zipper wide open.

Why are some trousers seemingly designed to unzip when you put your hands in your pockets? I had a pair of jeans like that not long ago.. definitely not commando-friendly!:confused:
Brilliant! :D I had to think for a minute, now I've got the image.. I'll keep an eye out :p
I know what you mean about that inadvertent bulge when you sit down.. I've found fiddling with it to make it go flat in public's not a good idea, however, as I've received this look.. o_O several times and it's totally impossible anyway!.. Go on, who's trying to right now? :D
Heheh, I haven't in a few years. I remember sometimes when I'd be really bored somewhere I'd actually mold that fabric crease into a cup and have myself a miniature golf or basketball game and toss coins and stuff into it. If you can't beat them, join them, eh?

..What are back titties though?
Since you asked. :D
:eek::confused: Um, oh my.

I think grumpy said it best, some of this stuff you just have to let slide, as it is instinctive mental notations. If I look a girl up and down it doesn't mean I am undressing her, its not a conscious action, my mind goes ziiip 7.5, and I may think if shes single, she's nice I wonder if she likes me..or some other stupid thing like that. It is not good to over apply, (intent), there are allot more dog but sniffing actions that happen in the world than people would care to admit. And I think girls check out guys all the time, they are just more sneaky about it, and those halos on their heads have a little superglue on them.
And I think girls check out guys all the time, they are just more sneaky about it, and those halos on their heads have a little superglue on them.
"Sneaky" is a highly subjective term, but, yes, girls do spend a LOT of time window shopping more than just clothes, shoes, and accessories. Annnnd then there's me. I did a short comic page once making fun of how regular girls' minds go straight to the gutter when they see a buff guy trot past while my mind goes straight to anatomy referencing and figuring out which tendons and muscles go where, how the light forms around the surface, and general artistic reference stuff. I like a little muscle, but too much and then I'm too distracted to focus on passion. :D

my mind goes straight to anatomy referencing and figuring out which tendons and muscles go where, how the light forms around the surface, and general artistic reference stuff. I like a little muscle, but too much and then I'm too distracted to focus on passion. :D[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you are pining for a horse and a cowboy, or you are locking your self in the art studio too much. :-)
Perhaps you are pining for a horse and a cowboy, or you are locking your self in the art studio too much. :)
Nah, I was a standard borderline asexual Aspie with more important things to do than fawn over complete strangers. My mom is still in shock that I have a kid! :p
Nah, I was a standard borderline asexual Aspie with more important things to do than fawn over complete strangers. My mom is still in shock that I have a kid! :p

I see my post was stupid my associative mind heard the word trotting and muscles and tendons, and out popped a horse, mind must have been wandering when I wrote that post, a rather amusing result.
I see my post was stupid my associative mind heard the word trotting and muscles and tendons, and out popped a horse, mind must have been wandering when I wrote that post, a rather amusing result.
No worries, I use animal terms all the time in regards to people. My sister did have a fetish for cowboys and horses. Not that I blame her, jeans and a white tshirt can be very flattering.

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