The thing with history is that nowadays we tend to forget that different times mean different contexts
Very well said. You can't really compare actions and thoughts of people that lived (in this case) about 75 years ago with those of today. Back then they didn't have a privileges we have in a modern society like internet, electronic devices, satellites, welfare, automatation etc. There were no global mass media making everyone see, think the same and share the same morals, something we see more and more of today. I hate this word but I'm going to use it anyway; Globalism.
Times back then were harder and when times are tough people will attempt to change that for the better in the way they see fit, and the harder times are the more drastic actions they will take. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, sometimes people get hurt sometimes they don't. War and conflict is inevitable between people and nations, it's human nature and I don't think we will ever see peace.
Slandering someone and calling them a "Nazi" becuase of their political and moral views and believes back then is just wrong in my opinion, especially when you don't know anything about the person himself. I personally know lots of people who are very kind and respectable but do have views and morals that some people might find evil or distasteful. Your always told not to judge but at the same time always seem to jump to conclusions when it's about people who are portrayed as "evil" in history, and most of the time without even taking time to read and research on their own.
This doesn't only go for this particular time period but all throughout history, people had their reasons for their actions. Unless you set yourself in their shoes and try to see things from their point of view from that time but rather just use your own, then it's easy to misjudge.
Sorry if this was off topic I just really liked Katleya's response and wanted to respond