Active Member
Me too, I'm reluctant to go out and socialize. Sometimes I get a severe migraine after meeting a person for diner.Do you also get very tired after socializing?
I struggle with the background noise problems, which many of you mentioned above. I struggle with not getting, what's expected in any given moment. I'm always on the watch and therefore loose my energy.
Most of the times I end up as the gifted listener and a totally unknown person will convey her very secrets to me, he/she will transfer her unwanted emotions to me and I will give undesirable advices and end up totally drained.
For many, many years I thought I have to do all this and more to maintain a friendship. Recently I discovered, that I may listen for hours and hours to the various problems of my few so called friends, but the other way round does not work out just as well. What my friends feel to be relaxing, going to a crowded Spa e.g. is for me pure torture. If I refuse to come with them, I will be left out next time.
So often times I go out alone, to the cinema, having breakfast, taking a coffee and so on.
For my social needs I take courses of my favorite activities. Here the time is limited, the topics of conversation are given and there is a schedule to follow.
Then my social needs are fulfilled and I can stay alone for a while.