For this reason, sometimes I even feel lonely when I'm with people.
Yeah that's familiar. I'm pretty sociable initially - it's all the learned sociable behaviour. But then I run out of things to say as 'trivia' doesn't really interest me, and I know that if I just shut up otherwise I'll say something completely inappropriate
I do quite a lot of sporting activities and whilst I really enjoy the activities, I can get lost in the world, the moment of activity, when it's the socialising afterwards, I'm initially OK - but then have this vision of being in a gathering of people, but sitting there and everything and everyone else around me being on fast forward (there's a scene in the film Trainspotting where this happens) and then ... the ... social ... anxiety ... kicks in ....
I'm an 'extrovert introvert' in that I can very sociable and people may say that I seem very outgoing and all that ... but I can only do that for a short period of time, and then I have to go home and it's so exhausting. I'll usually just lie down and have to have some time to myself with the lights dimmed to just recover.