Is he a Millennial, or is he older?
My perspective requires that you consider a different paradigm.
- ASD1 (having minimum complications) has always been present in the form of quirky, eccentric, innovative, thinking-outside-of-the-box type of people. We weren't pathologized because we were generally able to maintain our own affairs (especially if we found our niche). And we could mask when we needed to. Our traits are very similar to giftedness, whether we are gifted or not, such as Dabrowski's overexcitabilities.
- Severe autism [n.k.a. ASD2/3] was extremely rare. Because of its rarity, it was hard to zero in on its causes. These make no attempt to mask their condition, because they are so low-functioning. (Since that hasn't been resolved, it is probably still present, if obscured.)
- Around the late 1970s/early 1980s, there was an unprecedented uptick in ASD2/3 cases that was overwhelming the school special ed. services. This epidemic has been referred to as Millennial autism.
- As this epidemic intensified, more research was put into autism. One of its discoveries was the existence of ASD1 individuals, but ASD1s were never a part of the special ed. overload. The people tracking that made that point clear (see link at #3). ASD1s aren't/weren't new, just newly identified.
- This new wave of ASD2/3s did not have family histories of ASD2/3s (which was quite rare and rarely went on to have children), but there were family histories of ASD1 and suspected ASD1s.
- The surge mentioned in #3 could not be explained by heredity, alone. Something in the environment was turning ASD1 children into ASD2/3 children. Some parents noticed a change during early vaccinations. This led to the suspicion of the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal. Thimerosal has since been removed (and ruled out). Because ASD1 had not been recognized, yet, most theories surmised that the unknown factor was turning neuro-typical [NT] children into regressive autistics. No one had even suspected that the children were already born autistic [ASD1] and were more susceptible to the unknown insult. That injury happens neonatally and is similar to a TBI.
- This research pointed to a very good candidate for the [allergen] in question, and was in the right places at the right times. These researchers are/were still characterizing the change as being from NT-to-autistic, but their model translates well for the ASD1-to-ASD2/3 hypothesis, including why only a select few have had a such a bad reaction to it.
California DDS autism cases by birth year, as of 2014
(This chart does not count/include ASD1s, only ASD2s/3s
and these cases did not exist previously under a different diagnosis.)
If you want to cope with your husband's differences (assuming that he
is autistic), you must determine
- if he is a garden-variety ASD1 and learn a new way of communicating, or
- if there is an unrecognized TBI in the mix. [ASD1.x is colloquial notation for someone who is on the line between ASD1 & ASD2.] Severe co-morbid conditions can be mental illnesses, but any therapy will need to take his base neurology into account. He can be a healthier ASD1, but he will never be a healthy NT.