Oops, I realize thst term could be a bit inflammatory and I went looking for the article that differentiated "Aspergers" from "High functioning Autism" that I read the other day .
I couldn't find it, but I found this
Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found.
To explain my own family will take a while, but I'll try to give some examples.
My Dad didn't talk until he was three, but then, when he did, he spoke in complete sentences.
He was fascinated with old trains, makes and models, and old classic cars.
He is extremely socially awkward, will only, really talk about things like his field of study Indo Europian history, based on archeological study and linguistics, Russian and Ukrainian languages and early root languages, is his interest.
One article I read today said that people with Aspergers (often) have poor social skills, can't do small talk, but have a propensity and fascination for "complex problem solving" . And often have ritualistic and rigid behaviours.
My dad HAS to read a certain number of newspapers, ritually and routinely.
He has done some terribly negligent parenting, of myself, because he didn't know how to deal with it, and as a result, I have lots of problems.
Both my mum and stepmom were really treacherous, neurotic and unhappy women, who left my dad after a very short while, when both my sister and I (half sister) were very young. He was very depressed when we were growing up, and nearly killed himself. He says it is only the fact of having us girls, that kept him alive.
Neither of us, none of us, can do lots of things, like, we are very bad at regular housework, I don't drive and I'm 46, my sister (who I don't really know at all, but I do know, that like me, she is very like our father) has only, recently learnt to drive, she is in her mid thirties, my dad doesn't drive any more either, too stressful for him.
They are both librarians, but my dad retired and is doing a PhD.
I, totally relate to the obsessive compulsive complex problem solving. I was a compulsive reader, growing up, then moved into performance arts, because, I didn't know how to talk to people. I also suffered selective mutism, as a teen.
I had Anorexia for years, which some specialists refer to as "Female Aspergers" because it's so common for young women who can be misdiagnosed with other things like borderline personality disorder, too, (which I was, also, misdiagnosed with), but who are actually Aspergers/high functioning Autistic.
We are more the wordy and science Aspies, not maths thinkers.
But, despite the lack of formal diagnosis, I think the pattern fits.
My son, who is "Autistic" is still very childlike, has lots of services supporting him, has disability org "Day programs", flaps his hands, is a hard core gaming addict, he's 26, but still very much a child in most ways, had/has speech problems, sleep issues, massive meltdowns, and his IQ is just 70. He's not socially savvy at all, and will always be the little brother of his siblings, even though he's my second youngest child ( I have 7 children).
He is a delightful young man and I adore him, but his Autism looks very different to mine, my Dad's, my sister's and her children.
I will add that my dad, partner, my other son that I suspect is Aspie, and myself, are all pretty childike, in our own ways, but intellectually sophisticated in ways that my son is not.