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The World Is Doomed


Well-Known Member
I hate everything that is going on. The more I think about the more I don’t understand it

The people who survive are the ones without souls. Soulless folks tend to do good because the system is designed to fail us, make us worthless

Men, women, neurotypicals, everyone else, nobody is up to not good

I will never get what I deserve, not because I don’t work hard or don’t do good, but because society don’t want us to do good

Truth is no one is better than me, but social media makes it seem like everyone is better. That’s the way of life
I hate everything that is going on. The more I think about the more I don’t understand it

The people who survive are the ones without souls. Soulless folks tend to do good because the system is designed to fail us, make us worthless

Men, women, neurotypicals, everyone else, nobody is up to not good

I will never get what I deserve, not because I don’t work hard or don’t do good, but because society don’t want us to do good

Truth is no one is better than me, but social media makes it seem like everyone is better. That’s the way of life

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” (John F. Kennedy)

Let me ask you Kevin, what have you done for which you feel you "deserve"?

To be honest, I don't recall you ever talking about work or volunteering. Of course, I respect each person's privacy and discretion on how much, if any that they want to talk about in regards to their lives, but I can't help but notice that many of your threads are expressions of anger and frustration, and if I'm being honest, tinged with entitlement.
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” (John F. Kennedy)

Let me ask you Kevin, what have you done for which you feel you "deserve"?

To be honest, I don't recall you ever talking about work or volunteering. Of course, I respect each person's privacy and discretion on how much, if any that they want to talk about in regards to their lives, but I can't help but notice that many of your threads are expressions of anger and frustration, and if I'm being honest, tinged with entitlement.

I have done a lot, for myself

From losing everything in a NFT market, to surviving on a 200 dollar budget. I managed to spend 100 and leave the other 100, all in 4 days

Currently in the process of saving money

I do believe I have a lot of strengths, unfortunately most can’t be seen due to the fact I’m not outspoken and I’m private
I have done a lot, for myself

From losing everything in a NFT market, to surviving on a 200 dollar budget. I managed to spend 100 and leave the other 100, all in 4 days

Currently in the process of saving money

I do believe I have a lot of strengths, unfortunately most can’t be seen due to the fact I’m not outspoken and I’m private

Wouldn't the world be a better place for everyone if you also, besides doing things for yourself, also did things for others?

If the world seems unfair to you, rather than being upset at others, take action. Help make the world a better place.

Surely someone who thinks that no one is better than them (as you stated in your original post) would be willing and interested in contributing? Acts of service, humbleness, and kindness can go a long way, both in making the world better, and in improving one's connections with others and the world.
The world IS doomed.
It was from the time it was created.
Nothing in this physical dimension lasts forever.
That's just the way it is.
I hate everything that is going on. The more I think about the more I don’t understand it

The people who survive are the ones without souls. Soulless folks tend to do good because the system is designed to fail us, make us worthless

Men, women, neurotypicals, everyone else, nobody is up to not good

I will never get what I deserve, not because I don’t work hard or don’t do good, but because society don’t want us to do good

Truth is no one is better than me, but social media makes it seem like everyone is better. That’s the way of life
Kevin, I might hurt your feelings here but you really need to try to sound less like a self-absorbed prat aka narcissistic. I do not know if you are, or aren't. You may just be in a tough time in your life. But what other people think when you start off like this is that you are really hard on everyone not yourself, and that's not a great way to get through life.

The violent posts, the woe-is-me posts, the complaints about being treated unfairly:
To solve a common denominator in all this try a look in the mirror.
We are all part of a community of human beings. No one "deserves" anything, not even love and respect. Edit: Most of us operate on a moral and cultural perspective that offers respect to all, at a very basic level, perhaps, to avoid acts of physical violence. However, beyond that, it is mostly earned. It's a social contract between each of us, it's give and take. This is where being an autistic can have certain disadvantages if we have social and communication difficulties. Now, we can get into the the analogies where if one considers goal-oriented behaviors, reaching a $1,000,000 in personal wealth, experiencing true love, having the respect of others, etc., then truly, we are all born into a world with advantages and disadvantages, where those goals are closer or further away from us, right from the start. It is what it is. Life and one's path through it will never be fair and equal. That doesn't happen, ever.

That said, about you hating what is going on, the soulless behaviors, etc. You are interpreting these things on a personal level, but your observations are on a much larger scale and effect all of us.

The terrible consequences of "fair and equal" policies, governmental control of educational curriculums, etc. is stripping high-performing individuals of their ability to reach their potentials. In some cases, "dumbing them down", slowing progress, or worse, the downstream effects of inhibiting individuality and widening the distribution of wealth. This concept of "sameness", these naturally tribalistic behaviors that we embrace are being systematically incorporated into the corporate and governmental policies and laws. We don't want age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. etc. to influence who gets what and when, but then it does exactly that when quotas are involved. Sounds good on the surface, but it has its consequences. Socially, some people hate the wealthy, the intelligent, anyone perceived as having some sort of "privelige", so our "knee-jerk" response is to try to inhibit that, and in some cases, reputation destruction or violence against them. We don't like competition. We don't like winners and losers. We love "sameness". We want to blur the lines of individuality, even try to question the differences between XX and XY. Social and mainstream medias are perfect tools. It is a social manipulation strategy that appears "grass roots", but is actually being controlled from the very top. It's all under the guise of "equity and equality", but it is basically "control". Get the "have nots" to rise up in protest, a "savior" will rise up with their support, and this is how authoritarianism takes over, with a rousing applause, and the deaths of millions. We've been witness to these little social experiments before, better known as Communism, Socialism, and Fascism, or variants of that. Control the people, make them all the same, and redistribute all the wealth upward.

Now, you are correct in that "something is going on". There are groups of individuals, powerful enough to transcend beyond governments, the real power holders. They have been playing the "long game", methodical, calculating, for hundreds of years, at the very least. They are the ones who manipulate governmental policies and actions as if it were a game of chess. More and more people are becoming aware of this. Our freedom to choose, be individuals, to live our own lives, is ever so slowly being picked away in order to gain control over the masses. If you want to know who these people are, look no further than the World Economic Forum, as an example.

Now, having said all that, people who are "alone" in this world, the autistics, those people who generally spend their lives on the periphery, those who do not follow, could actually be the voices of reason within all this, the tiny lights in the darkness. We could be the "resistance", if you will. So, personally, there is a part of me that says embrace and love those people who are close and important to you, but don't get obsessed with this need to be the same as everyone else. Be realistic in knowing the value of the individual, even if things are not fair and equal for you, personally.
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Acts of service, humbleness, and kindness can go a long way, both in making the world better, and in improving one's connections with others and the world.
In my life I have had people take an interest and help me. Right now I am a Big Brother to an autistic teen age boy. It is challenging, but I enjoy helping others. My spouse is a CASA, COURT appounted Special Advocate, who represents the interests of children in the foster care system.
We are all part of a community of human beings. No one "deserves" anything, not even love and respect. Everything is earned. Now, we can get into the the analogies where if one considers goal-oriented behaviors, reaching a $1,000,000 in personal wealth, experiencing true love, having the respect of others, etc., then truly, we are all born into a world with advantages and disadvantages, where those goals are closer or further away from us, right from the start. It is what it is. Life and one's path through it will never be fair and equal. That doesn't happen, ever.

That said, about you hating what is going on, the soulless behaviors, etc. You are interpreting these things on a personal level, but your observations are on a much larger scale and effect all of us.

The terrible consequences of "fair and equal" policies, governmental control of educational curriculums, etc. is stripping high-performing individuals of their ability to reach their potentials. In some cases, "dumbing them down", slowing progress, or worse, the downstream effects of inhibiting individuality and widening the distribution of wealth. This concept of "sameness", these naturally tribalistic behaviors that we embrace are being systematically incorporated into the corporate and governmental policies and laws. We don't want age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. etc. to influence who gets what and when, but then it does exactly that when quotas are involved. Sounds good on the surface, but it has its consequences. Socially, some people hate the wealthy, the intelligent, anyone perceived as having some sort of "privelige", so our "knee-jerk" response is to try to inhibit that, and in some cases, reputation destruction or violence against them. We don't like competition. We don't like winners and losers. We love "sameness". We want to blur the lines of individuality, even try to question the differences between XX and XY. Social and mainstream medias are perfect tools. It is a social manipulation strategy that appears "grass roots", but is actually being controlled from the very top. It's all under the guise of "equity and equality", but it is basically "control". Get the "have nots" to rise up in protest, a "savior" will rise up with their support, and this is how authoritarianism takes over, with a rousing applause, and the deaths of millions. We've been witness to these little social experiments before, better known as Communism, Socialism, and Fascism, or variants of that. Control the people, make them all the same, and redistribute all the wealth upward.

Now, you are correct in that "something is going on". There are groups of individuals, powerful enough to transcend beyond governments, the real power holders. They have been playing the "long game", methodical, calculating, for hundreds of years, at the very least. They are the ones who manipulate governmental policies and actions as if it were a game of chess. More and more people are becoming aware of this. Our freedom to choose, be individuals, to live our own lives, is ever so slowly being picked away in order to gain control over the masses. If you want to know who these people are, look no further than the World Economic Forum, as an example.

Now, having said all that, people who are "alone" in this world, the autistics, those people who generally spend their lives on the periphery, those who do not follow, could actually be the voices of reason within all this, the tiny lights in the darkness. We could be the "resistance", if you will. So, personally, there is a part of me that says embrace and love those people who are close and important to you, but don't get obsessed with this need to be the same as everyone else. Be realistic in knowing the value of the individual, even if things are not fair and equal for you, personally.
Sounds like flaky logic.
People I have heard complain about the world, country and all these factors they essentially have no control over. They feel the world should be infused with equality and fairness. The whole point of wanting more/ doing better is an innate human experience is comprised of overcoming diversity. If the world was true, fair, and just life would be so mundane that it wouldn't really build to the level we currently are at on a lot of fronts which leads to a level of disproportionate level of power and finances to those that have created it or fraudulently obtained it hence inequality.

Worry about what you have control over and let what you cant control over take its course. If you dont like what is going on in the world stop watching the news, youtube or whatever brings you the madness that conjures up the angst you speak about.
Hey, @KevinMao133

Please think of three things about you, your day, your life, outside, etc that are good and that you enjoy and post those three things here.

I'll give you an example of what I mean. Off the top of my head, these three things came to mind for me today that are good:

1) I believe I'm in good health.
2) It's summertime where I live and the weather outside is better than any other time of the year other than the fall season.
3) I had a good and healthy breakfast this morning.
Hey, @KevinMao133

Please think of three things about you, your day, your life, outside, etc that are good and that you enjoy and post those three things here.

I'll give you an example of what I mean. Off the top of my head, these three things came to mind for me today that are good:

1) I believe I'm in good health.
2) It's summertime where I live and the weather outside is better than any other time of the year other than the fall season.
3) I had a good and healthy breakfast this morning.

1) I’m saving money for my future

2) I’m free

3) I have a plan
I don't think it's worth my time to do so.
There are far too many obvious parallels between the standard-issue line you're saying and classic antisemitic/conspiratorial canards such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Wow. Ok. I'm not familiar with any of that.

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