Well, from the perspective of someone who has been with the same woman for 37+ years, all I can say is we are entering an era in our society where there there is a breakdown in so-called "traditional family values". There's blame to be shared all around, but overall, it's a combination of selfishness, narcissism, a lack of communication skills, a lack of respect, fear-based controlling behaviors, a judicial system that rewards one person and destroys another, and causes a lot of psychological trauma for everyone involved, especially if there are children. Throughout time, there have always been examples of "bad behavior" from one, the other, or both partners. Our grandparents and great grandparents experienced this, as well.
However, only some couples experience any of this. Some have it all figured out, but having said that, it takes two with a desire to learn about each other, with respect, even if there are disagreements. HOW we communicate is so critical. Emotional outbursts during critical communication is so destructive. Disagreements WILL happen. It's inevitable, but how a couple deals with it, an emotional argument, or a calm, logical, respectful discussion will determine the outcome of the relationship. All it takes is one to ruin it.
Two people walking the same path, working as one, is a beautiful thing. Having two people with different skill sets is recommended, in my opinion. To work as a team, two people leaning on each other, balanced, making one good person, on a journey through life,...that is an amazing thing.