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They could have a non-contagious chronic cough as well. It would suck to have such a condition and be shunned or unable to participate in society because everyone thinks you're contagious and rude for being outside.
I occasionally get coughing fits out of nowhere and I don’t know why. The doctor has never been able to find the reason. It mostly happens after I am done eating or haven’t drank any water for awhile. I actually cough inside my shirt if I’m not wearing a mask as I learned that trick at work a year before Covid became a thing. I definitely am not trying to be rude and these fits just happen to me randomly. The only reason I know a fit is about to occur is because I feel my throat getting ready to cough.
I occasionally get coughing fits out of nowhere and I don’t know why. The doctor has never been able to find the reason. It mostly happens after I am done eating or haven’t drank any water for awhile. I actually cough inside my shirt if I’m not wearing a mask as I learned that trick at work a year before Covid became a thing. I definitely am not trying to be rude and these fits just happen to me randomly. The only reason I know a fit is about to occur is because I feel my throat getting ready to cough.

I'm pretty sure this happens to everyone...you will occasionally get dust or something in your throat and coughing is your body's way of dealing with it.

Acid reflux can cause coughing too.
Hearing people coughing isn't pleasant - but I'm more concerned for them. Personally I've never been overly concerned about getting colds, and guess what? I've rarely got them.

Science still can't explain why some people rarely get sick. I guess I'm happy to continue with my belief that a positive mindset about such things will help.

On the other end of the scale, since 2012 I had daily aches and pains from stress. But in recent months stress has been reducing, and in recent weeks these pains and symptoms have subsided. I've had a significant change in outlook, now that I know I'm only going to be working a few more months in these office jobs. This has lifted a weight from my shoulders. In turn, my mind feel better - so my body has followed suit.

My folks have nasty colds at the moment. They keep telling me to keep a distance, but I don't. Because I won't get a cold. I've had prolonged exposure to ill people and rarely catch anything. I think the last cold I had was 6 years ago. Even then, it was gone within a couple of days. It's strange really - I can worry incessantly about all sorts, but for colds - I don't care, and I don't get them. It's quite nice.

This "mind over matter" mantra continues to ring true for me. Same goes for COVID. As with most I'm sure we worried in the early weeks. But once I knew symptoms, who was most at risk etc - fears subsided. And my intuition says I'll never catch it.

I'd rather life my life with that belief. So what if I do get ill? At least I spent the past couple of years during the pandemic not getting anxious about "what if's" with regards to catching the 'vid.

were removed at I have 0 colds in the last couple of years, rarely get flu's. before I thought I got cold's as my tonsils were removed at 9 months of age. Flu my blood type protected me, AB which is an indication of my immune system.

coughing is cased by particulate getting into you bronchial tube, possibly from your esophageal tube after eating.
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You can't change other people's behavior..... well.... unless you are a ruthless leader in a small country that has the military under his fingertips.

But as a normal person you can't. Only they can. So the best you can do is take care of yourself. At times it might mean standing up to some dip-excrement.

Surround yourself with kind, empathetic, good people and life will be happy.
In the Scottish city where I live, sometimes I have a big heavy bag with shopping or several bags. I politely ask the driver if I can place it or them in the luggage section of the bus (so I can then get my pass out) and I would say nine times out of ten they just look saying nothing. Leaving me feeling anxious.
The ones in the area I used to live behaved like that. Then they got competitors. Suddenly they discovered how to be civil. It's a shame if they can't do it without competition, because overall making services fight to survive lowers their quality, except in the customer contact areas I think.
Agree with the above. Perspective and context. If 80-90% of your income is going towards basic living expenses, and your are truly living in a humble situation, then chances are, saving $10/month isn't going to buy you a house in any life time,...unless you are using that money and making some really smart investments and hit it big in the stock market or cryptocurrency.

The difference between wealthy people and the rest of us,...they have the cash flow to see money as a means of investing,...not living. Cars, houses, boats,...things,...are liabilities, not assets. If it costs you money and you have to keep putting money into it,...it is a liability,...and that goes against their thinking. Money is something to be used to make more money. Surprisingly, most wealthy people,...on paper and tax forms,...don't actually own much. The cars, boats, homes, art,...it's all been placed into the holdings of a business. This is why you generally cannot sue a wealthy person, nor do they care much if you steal from them (it's just stuff that is insured),...you have to go after their business. They generally do not have much in the way of "liquid assets". They don't have a personal home safe with millions of dollars stashed away,...it's held in off-shore accounts where governments can't touch it,...and frankly, they might not see it either. In a nut-shell, they have no concept of how much things cost, the value of a dollar,...they've lost all perspective and context of what it may be like to struggle with daily living expenses.

On the other hand, most people who are struggling financially,...the working class,...look at money and use it in a totally different manner.
I hurriedly left a starbucks today. A person sat at a nearby table and was constantly coughing, even if it wasn't covid, I don't think someone should be in a cafe with a cold. I don't want to catch a cold! Unless going somewhere essential I don't think someone should leave their home if they have a cold!
Why do you think you have the right to judge what people should and should not do and what freedoms are appropriate?

I Don't like getting a cold either but I prefer the cold to the alternative that people should be shunned and excluded for being ill. Thankfully being ill does not usually come with losing your freedom to move around and go to places and socialize.

Also, to become ill you don't only need a spreader but also an insufficent immune system. Ilnesses are never going to be eradicated so you better relax and just use your own freedom to move to another cafe.
With people struggling to pay their bills here's two newspaper stories...


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Dude, these stories are literally engineered to get you irritated/outraged/annoyed/whatever. They often aren’t even accurate and in some cases (okay, lots of cases) can be full of outright lies.

That’s why it’s always “OMG LOOK AT THIS SCANDAL” or “OMG LOOK AT THIS BAD EVENT THIS ONE GUY HAD”. Always in giant bold letters, always phrased in JUST the right way to cause the most outrage, and always always always full of as much negative content as possible. Entirely regardless of what parts are actually true and what parts are added for spectacle.

It’s just there to get you to buy more of it… that’s all. Unreliable, often inaccurate, often entirely fabricated.

There’s so many other better and healthier things you could be doing with your time, rather than constantly seeking this stuff out to get agitated over it.

And yes before anyone mentions it, I know I’ve pointed this out before. But dagnabit I’m stubborn, ain’t I?
There’s so many other better and healthier things you could be doing with your time, rather than constantly seeking this stuff out to get agitated over it.

I couldn’t stand being around someone who does this. It’s some kind of addiction, hiding behind an erroneous need to know.

And it goes along with wanting others to also focus on the negative, in a spiral of doom & gloom.
I couldn’t stand being around someone who does this. It’s some kind of addiction, hiding behind an erroneous need to know.

And it goes along with wanting others to also focus on the negative, in a spiral of doom & gloom.

It’s sort of a manufactured addiction, if anything.

The sorts of companies that write and publish these news stories spend enormous amounts of time and money learning all the nastiest psychological manipulation tricks in order to create this very situation. TV news stations do it too. Among other places.

It’s easy for anyone to fall into without even realizing that it’s happened.
It’s easy for anyone to fall into without even realizing that it’s happened.
Good, point.
My husband did exactly that.

I attempted to get him to see and take a different stand, a different focus on life, but it failed. I failed.
Good, point.
My husband did exactly that.

I attempted to get him to see and take a different stand, a different focus on life, but it failed. I failed.

Aye, frustrating, ain’t it?

I have multiple family members who are also sorta stapled to the bloody TV due to this sort of garbage, and no matter what I do, they can’t be convinced otherwise. Or even spot that there is a problem, let alone what the problem is.
It's always unfortunate to be a victim of crime, and even more so when on a holiday, when one is often doing so as an escape from their usual life and trying to find some fun and enjoyment.

That being said, when purchasing virtually any travel, even standalone flight tickets, let alone vacation packages, the seller would present the option to purchase travel insurance (and often with varying levels of coverage), and the premiums for those under age 60 is usually very modest.

As the vendor quite correctly noted, any losses should be claimed via insurance (and depending on their employer and what credit cards they hold, it is possible they may have multiple policies in effect). Yes, filing a claim can be a hassle of its own, but ultimately, that's something that they would have to do (and some things, like getting a copy of a police report, are things that they need to do by themselves anyways).

I'm not really a fan of this article, as it appears to be rather tabloidish in trying to make something out of nothing.

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