Agree with the above. Perspective and context. If 80-90% of your income is going towards basic living expenses, and your are truly living in a humble situation, then chances are, saving $10/month isn't going to buy you a house in any life time,...unless you are using that money and making some really smart investments and hit it big in the stock market or cryptocurrency.
The difference between wealthy people and the rest of us,...they have the cash flow to see money as a means of investing,...not living. Cars, houses, boats,...things,...are liabilities, not assets. If it costs you money and you have to keep putting money into it, is a liability,...and that goes against their thinking. Money is something to be used to make more money. Surprisingly, most wealthy people,...on paper and tax forms,...don't actually own much. The cars, boats, homes, art,'s all been placed into the holdings of a business. This is why you generally cannot sue a wealthy person, nor do they care much if you steal from them (it's just stuff that is insured), have to go after their business. They generally do not have much in the way of "liquid assets". They don't have a personal home safe with millions of dollars stashed away,'s held in off-shore accounts where governments can't touch it,...and frankly, they might not see it either. In a nut-shell, they have no concept of how much things cost, the value of a dollar,...they've lost all perspective and context of what it may be like to struggle with daily living expenses.
On the other hand, most people who are struggling financially,...the working class,...look at money and use it in a totally different manner.