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Things that people do that really annoy you

When people don't tell you what is expected of you because you 'Should know'. This just ends up annoying them because I didn't do it, and me because they didn't say it.

This can be a tricky one, because in some cases, I've seen situations at work where they do tell you. Sometimes people forget a lot more than they should. Sometimes, they aren't conceptualizing it even though they were told. Usually not intentionally. It's bound to happen once in awhile. But if you're doing this all the time and if you're told in a way that most people would know otherwise, people can't consider that person reliable to complete work when necessary. I helped 2 coworkers today and was super explicit. Like they only started learning at the very last minute when a session was occurring. No interest to add an appointment to their Outlook calendar even though it was set up beforehand. There was this implicit fear to interact online and learn about something independently just because it was not on their list of things to do. A big part of growth comes from that understanding that if we're not sure about something, we ask as much as possible without seeming overly clingy and non-independent, and we try on our own first whenever we can. When we show people we can do this and stand on our own two feet, people will not walk all over us so easily.
I was hoping to read all responses, but then I saw how many pages worth of them there were :sweat:, so I just responded to a few.

Overall obliviousness or lack of application of common sense. DO NOT get me started. UGHHHHH. :stomp: Oh and immaturity is horrible as well.
One of the common aspie traits is a lack of common sense (if I'm not mistaken) and many aspie guys are significantly younger or older in their mind than they are chronologically.

I think that in North America it's an offense, but not as big a deal as elsewhere. The only jurisdiction I could find a number for is Connecticut, which has a cap of $500, whereas in the UK it's up to 5000 pounds, which is a little more than $8000 US.

Assuming that's true for the UK, I have to say that everywhere I go in and around London and neighbouring counties, most people (perhaps too eagerly and O.T.T) mount footpaths and go well out of their way to allow emergency vehicles past.

Hate that or when the people are interupted and start talking about other stuff.

1. When I tell people of my condition and they talk to me like I am deranged.

2. When classmates act like "sheep" and follow each other.

Lol, I can only imagine what number 1 looks like in reality. Number 2 is a pre-programmed thought to avoid being different and risking being bullied or singled out.

There are so many. One is the concept of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc. My mom has tried to explain it to me many times. She says that young people need to have an imagination; to have a sense of magic and illusion. This is poppycock. Poppycock! If I ever have kids, I am telling them outright that these things DO NOT exist.
YOU'RE MAD!! Never beleived in the easter bunny (no-one I knew did), but santa (a.k.a father christmas) and the tooth fairy are perfect examples of how being kids was sooo much better than being an adult because fantasy and fiction could be a reality and you didn't have to ruin it by questioning how or why etc.

When they tell me to stop doing Aspie related things that annoy them, telling me that I can easily stop it if I wanted to.
I bet people with tourettes get that even worse. But yes this is very insensitive of people.

One thing I hate is if I'm on public transport and some stranger starts up a conversation about football (soccer). I hate the way some football fans seem to automatically think that I'll be interested
Just the assumption that everyone (or perhaps just every guy) supports a team. I support/watch England in the World and Euro Cup, that's it. People should ask "do you support a team?" not "who do you support?". The former doesn't assume you do follow football.

One of my many pet hates might be the assumption that everyone can find love. At the very least it'd be nice if people (NT's mainly) realized that your chances are substantially reduced.
I'd also want understanding of aspie traits rather than the assumption that I could challenge them all.
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Drivers who don't indicate for pedestrians. Do they think we are mind readers?

If I'm about to cross a road and an approaching car doesn't indicate it's reasonable to assume they will carry on along the same trajectory. But no, they swing round the corner after you have already stepped out.

This happens far too often and I don't buy the hand waving they do to acknowledge/apologise as it's clearly a bad habit they will mindlessly continue. Taxi drivers are the worst. Really annoying.
I'm really annoyed by Toyota Prius drivers that go slow in the fast lane.

That's the sort of thing that even generates public service announcements here from the media. That the police will cite you if you drive too slow in a passing lane on the freeway.
That's the sort of thing that even generates public service announcements here from the media. That the police will cite you if you drive too slow in a passing lane on the freeway.
I'm still waiting for that to happen in my neck of the woods.
I'm still waiting for that to happen in my neck of the woods.

Nevada has tightly controlled forms of revenue-gathering. So they tend to get more aggressive with existing and traditional forms of revenue rather than to create new ones.
I detest tailgaters that just tailgate you automatically and assume that you should go as fast as they want you to go or that you need to "get out of the way" when you really weren't in the way to begin with.
I detest tailgaters that just tailgate you automatically and assume that you should go as fast as they want you to go or that you need to "get out of the way" when you really weren't in the way to begin with.
I can understand it when people tailgate if the lead car is not going at the speed of traffic. Slow drivers frustrate me endlessly. There are some days that I don't drive as fast as others and if I am being tailgated, I yield to them as I have no business interfering with their day.
I can understand it when people tailgate if the lead car is not going at the speed of traffic. Slow drivers frustrate me endlessly. There are some days that I don't drive as fast as others and if I am being tailgated, I yield to them as I have no business interfering with their day.

Seems inherent to your job. To have to put up with endless acts of stupidity on the road every day.

Not sure if I could tolerate that indefinitely. :eek:

Watching people in their own cars in downtown San Francisco trying to take on public transportation....insane. And yet it happens all the time. Go figure. :confused:
Lol I intentionally slow down or randomly hit the brakes if I feel I am being tailgated. Had to mention that. Not legal either probably
Lol I intentionally slow down or randomly hit the brakes if I feel I am being tailgated. Had to mention that. Not legal either probably

When that happened to me, I used to simply turn on my headlights with my previous vehicle. My latest one defaults to the lights going on with the ignition, so I don't have that option.

Something I once picked up from Clint Eastwood (The Eiger Sanction) lol. :cool:
Smoking, most of the people I know who still smoke know it's bad for them but they can't stop, well 1 friend recently gave up, but she's gone back to it! And I've told her I don't approve, but it's her body she's ruining, and she's quite fit, if I wasn't 20 years her senior and knew her under different circumstances I could y'know, like her :D
OK, so NTs are normal and Aspies are weird. Please explain how a "normal" person can set his watch or clock X number of minutes ahead so he won't be late? How can he not immediately realize when he looks at said clock that the real time is NOT what the clock says? Furthermore, hiw does someone who does this avoid being considered the real weird person? :S

Sorry but I find the saying that people with ANY form of disability aren't "normal" EXTREMELY offensive, define "normal"?! I have 2 eyes, 2 legs (OK they might not work as well as they should) and a mind (as above) therefore I am "normal".
It annoys me when others (i.e. NT?s) think they ?know me.? I hate hearing, ?Oh, I know you better than you do yourself.? If they knew me so well, they would say what they do . . . HUMPH!!!:mad:

I get this too sometimes. If it is someone whose approval I don't particularly want or need, I will edge in closer, look them in the eye, and say slowly, clearly and calmly, "You do not know me.......and trust me, you do not want to." Freaks them out every time.

To get back on topic, I hate it when you make a statement to someone, either in answer to a question, or by way of instruction, and they, not understanding something about what you've said, repeat your statement back to you verbatim, instead of asking a question.
I get this too sometimes. If it is someone whose approval I don't particularly want or need, I will edge in closer, look them in the eye, and say slowly, clearly and calmly, "You do not know me.......and trust me, you do not want to." Freaks them out every time.

To get back on topic, I hate it when you make a statement to someone, either in answer to a question, or by way of instruction, and they, not understanding something about what you've said, repeat your statement back to you verbatim, instead of asking a question.

LOL! I've done the same. Get's rid of unwanted people every time.
It annoys me when people turn statements into questions.

That's not at all confusing?
Manhole covers, with yellow lines on, where the yellow lines on the cover don't line up with the ones on the road.

I can understand it when people tailgate if the lead car is not going at the speed of traffic. Slow drivers frustrate me endlessly. There are some days that I don't drive as fast as others and if I am being tailgated, I yield to them as I have no business interfering with their day.

I understand what you're saying, but I'm not talking about drivers who drive below the speed limit when they have the room to go to the right lane, and then get tailgated. I mean the people who tailgate when others are going at a reasonable speed, and the tailgaters don't have the courtesy to wait it out. Plus tailgating is dangerous period. You potentially put the driver you're tailgating into pressure to get into an accident if they aren't good at anticipating their environment around them.

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