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Things that people do that really annoy you

Seriously, what is the world coming to?! "miley cyrus spits water out of her mouth from a water bottle into audience" just came on the tv as breaking news.
Seriously, what is the world coming to?! "miley cyrus spits water out of her mouth from a water bottle into audience" just came on the tv as breaking news.

Media is just another word for making a little thing seem massive. The media always tends to make things that look serious to grab attention. Especially if it's a celebrity that has attracted the media for a long time.

Miley Cyrus is only getting the press because her behavior is so inappropriate, now that she is getting older and is starting to get bored of being "Hannah Montana". And often people situate her as an idol for those youngs that watched Disney, and the media has spiraled out of control because her behavior and "party-like" attention, has attracted the media. Miley Cyrus, and her managers are marketing geniuses.

Media, in itself is a marketing ploy. Everything is manufactured. Miley Cyrus has been manufactured by the media!

Although it's really confusing to understand, it's actually a plausible theory. I've studied the media for a long time, and it seems to me that the media takes everything for granted.

One of the biggest reasons why society is like it is today.
Seriously, what is the world coming to?! "miley cyrus spits water out of her mouth from a water bottle into audience" just came on the tv as breaking news.

Hey.. for what it's worth it might be a health hazard and she's spreading disease... breaking news for sure.
Stupid isn't the right word here. A lot of situations that you all are talking about don't appear to be a result of someone's apparent "stupidity". They all seem to point towards a lack of concern for the people around them (selfishness, rudeness, being caught up in their own little world, etc). So, to be honest, I'm a little bothered by this thread. It's okay though, because I understand that letting out your aggression is a good thing. I just wish people wouldn't say someone is being "stupid" when that is not the right word to use. I try to avoid using the words "stupid" "dumb" etc. because they have ableist roots from having been used to oppress the handicapped population for ages. I believe that it is important to be mindful of these issues.
Too often I have someone I know come up to me and ask "How come you didn't come to the movies with me and the others??" or "How come you stayed home instead of joining the rest of us?"
I find this extremely annoying, stupid and quite often depressing.

An invitation would have helped...
My semi-new friend that I'm trying to get a friendship going with called me last night right after I got home from running errands and being at work for 3.5 hrs. It was 6pm and I had not eaten anything all day and was exhausted. She wanted to know if I wanted to go out to eat somewhere. Mind you that I have been trying to get her to go out to eat for over a month and a half now, so why does she think I'm just going to drop everything I'm doing and go out to eat on the spur of the moment? I'm not a spur of the moment girl. I, at least, need a day in advance for planning something. I don't think that's asking too much. I told her that I was just too tired and that I wouldn't be very good company. She acted like a two year old! I could tell she was pissed off because she sounded annoyed and got off the phone quick. I don't understand where she comes off acting like that. I just came out and told her if she wants to do something in the future, I need to have at least a days advance notice. Spur of the moment people really annoy me - how can they do something spur of the moment, but not be able to make a planned event????????!!!!!!!
The concept of Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and all that is something i find really stupid. I mean yeah i dont think any kid has ever been traumatized or felt betrayed by finding out that santa doesn't really exist...but the concept of lying to your kids for almost a decade just for imagination's sake instead of just flat out telling them the truth doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
The concept of Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and all that is something i find really stupid. I mean yeah i dont think any kid has ever been traumatized or felt betrayed by finding out that santa doesn't really exist...but the concept of lying to your kids for almost a decade just for imagination's sake instead of just flat out telling them the truth doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

I was a little (ok, a lot) traumatized when I found out about the no Tooth Fairy and connected the dots about the no Santa and no Easter Bunny too. BUT, looking back now as an adult, I have such great memories of it all that I'm so glad my parents did let me believe in it. The memories of making cookies for Santa and finding them eaten in the morning, looking downstairs on Christmas Eve when everyone was asleep and not seeing any presents but in the morning they were "magically" there! Same with Easter - our baskets would be bare then on Easter all this candy showed up from the Easter Bunny! And I can't forget the Tooth Fairy - that must have been hard for my Ma. I remember putting my tooth in an envelope under my pillow and miraculously in the morning I would reach under my pillow and find a quarter! Then I remember running downstairs yelling that the Tooth Fairy had shown up. Oh! I just remembered something - sometimes the Tooth Fairy didn't show up for a couple nights and my Ma would say that maybe the Tooth Fairy was just busy. It was probably because my Ma was sleeping and couldn't get up to do the "business at hand". Good memories that I wouldn't give up for nothing. It makes me smile just thinking about it. :)
Overrating the importance of stuff. Today was the bronze medal winner of time-wasting at work. Another company sent us a fax telling us that the answer to Question 4 on a form was changed from "no" to "yes". Maybe we should change back to a toll number so the other company would have to pay for that fax instead of us. And the question was irrelevant to the account. It only gets the bronze because the person-time wasted was very small.

The other examples took place years ago...

The silver was an impromptu meeting in a relatively open space where fifty people were gathered to find out the code name of a project.

The gold goes to a supervisor who reserved three meeting rooms in order to separately tell three departments that she was pregnant.
My problem is when people get mad at me when I don't want to do what they want to do. Like, I don't like tomatoes, steak, coffee, and a handful of things. I am a very picky eater and I only eat certain foods just because the way I taste things. People get mad at me for not liking steak and they are like, just try it! I have and it tastes so bitter! Same with chocolate. Too bitter.

And I don't drink alcohol and people keep begging me to drink after I've told them no. They're like why? And I say its because I don't want to do stupid things. I really don't understand how drinking alcohol at a party would be so relaxing? Not to mention, it's bad enough I have problems being around drunk people.
When I ask where somebody lives, and they give the nearest large city instead of the exact town. If I wanted to know approximately where you lived, I would've made that distinction. If I don't know where your town is, then I will look it up. I love towns and cities, and I know a ton of them. Just answer my question truthfully and don't give a generalization, because that's not what I asked for.
When I ask where somebody lives, and they give the nearest large city instead of the exact town. If I wanted to know approximately where you lived, I would've made that distinction. If I don't know where your town is, then I will look it up. I love towns and cities, and I know a ton of them. Just answer my question truthfully and don't give a generalization, because that's not what I asked for.
Sometimes people do this because they think it will be more helpful if the person asking isn't familiar with the specific town they mention--I do it myself. There's nothing wrong with asking for specifics in a friendly and inquisitive manner.
Knock on our door if I don't know them
and brother isn't there to handle it, I don't
answer if I dont know them I just let them nok.
It really annoys me when people just say "sorry" and think that will automatically make everything ok again.

When someone has done something to annoy or upset me, I don't want them to say "sorry" and then try to get back in my good books by telling jokes or stroking my ego or whatever, because that doesn't actually solve the problem, it avoids it. I want to sit down and discuss it with them, in the hope of coming to some sort of mutual understanding that will prevent us from falling out over it in future.

I expect people to do the same for me if I have done something wrong, too - I don't think there's any value in the word "sorry" if people just use it to brush disagreements and misunderstandings aside, and I don't think they ever really forgive each other when that happens either.
In my neighborhood we have a business called Berry Sweet Temptations that bakes cookies,pies and other flour based treats.
I bake a small amount of bread to use for myself and buying the special high gluten bread flour is necessary of you want nice texture like store bought bread. It is very expensive compared to buying multi-purpose flour which make loaves of bread suitable for putting behind a truck tire to keep it from rolling away. I asked the owner if she had access to bread flour from her suppliers that I could purchase...her reply was "I don't bake any bread"
I will never buy anything her again.
Whenever people say whatever season it isn't. A few days ago, everybody was saying how it was summer and summer this and summer that, when it was still actually spring. They judge it by the temperature. Why? There are easy-to-remember dates that each season starts on: March 21, June 21, September 21, and December 21. Yet people continuously get the seasons wrong!
Whenever people say whatever season it isn't. A few days ago, everybody was saying how it was summer and summer this and summer that, when it was still actually spring. They judge it by the temperature. Why? There are easy-to-remember dates that each season starts on: March 21, June 21, September 21, and December 21. Yet people continuously get the seasons wrong!

Haha, I agree with the first sentence, but I'm the opposite for the rest. Can't even remember birthdays let alone theoretical season dates. If the daffodils aren't out, it ain't spring. If the leaves aren't red and orange, it ain't autumn. IMHO. Lol.
People forgetting things very easily, or not knowing basic math is also another issue that gets on my nerves.
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Some of the stupid things people do that bother me are try to justify religious beliefs or talk about how every natural event is some sign from god. In my view religion is stupid terrorism that shouldn't be given credibility.

That sentiment is offensive to many aspies on this forum. We all try very hard to be supportive of each other and refrain from statements that some will find hurtful.

Your atheism or agnosticism will be respected by believers here and they ask in return only that you do not attack their beliefs.
Overrating the importance of stuff.

I thought that was meant to be one of the aspie traits. Or maybe that's from an NT view of things. Which brings me to one of my irritations. All the diagnostics is from a NT point of view. Maybe one day I'll post my own aspie diagnostic quiz on the internet :-)

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