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Time management and my many chores

I mean just for the girl next door.

If you are already friendly with her, your contact info would be fine. If you aren't really friends yet, your contact info might seem creepy.

If she is your aquaintence why not ask her out for coffee? Keep your invite light and casual. If she tells you no, respect that. That "no" would still be a win because you will be relieved of the burden of not knowing.
What card should I use here? All the cards I have right now are religious in nature:
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There is nothing wrong with a religeous card. Choose something that has a message that you particularly like.
Religeon is a big part of who you are. Being open about yourself assures the right kind of sucess.
The "right" kind is the kind that honors yourself and your values.

You might find acceptance with any card but it won't really show who you really are. Therefore that kind of sucess will be shallow.
It's Christmastime; many cards will be fairly religious. "Happy holidays!" begs elaboration; so many wonderful holidays in this season (with Christmas as the big one but very many others.)
It's truly the most wonderful time of the year. I think you can pick whatever card you like. The one with birds is nice but then I'm biased; I'm rather fond of birds.

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