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Time to Be Adult

It is not about money or jobs.

Can you keep your shift together, take responsibility of your actions and claim your life?

This is a Y/ N question, not a philosophy debate.
Or make an adult decision and stay a kid. Being an adult is disregarding the norms and doing what makes you feel accomplished. It maybe swimming across Lake Erie, it maybe living in a green house underground, it maybe touring all countries that start with the letters S, T, W. Adulting is actually is your take on it, nobody else's.☺
Autism makes you disabled in a way. I think pointing this out to those who tell you what is against you is an important thing to do
Autism makes you disabled in a way. I think pointing this out to those who tell you what is against you is an important thing to do

This is important to stand up and state your boundaries and truths. Because people just seem to automatically test who they can manipulate. We know it's happening but we stay quiet. The above post was very on point.

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