I don't know what to make of it all. There's so much we don't know yet, which is both scary and exciting. (1) I am of the idea that our senses are not calibrated to perceive certain frequencies of light and sound, and so there is a lot going on right in front of us that we are just not able to perceive. Sometimes you may view video online of small children or family pets perceiving an entity in a room or out in the yard, yet the camera and the adults are unable to perceive it. Infants and small children do have differences in their perception of light and sound. I've actually helped design medical equipment on this very concept, that is make it perceptively inaudible to a premature infant. (2) I have heard stories of people having "out of body experiences" shared amongst our healthcare team. Very accurate. The types of phenomenon that definitely challenges your understanding of this world and gives you pause. (3) "Ghosts", well, there's enough people over the years that have experienced this sort of phenomenon to give you pause. Too many case reports all over the world and throughout time. Again, obviously, something is going on here we don't understand. Are the theories of multiverses and dimensions just outside our own that, when specific conditions are met, they can cross over each other. Are these the "ghosts"? (4) From my understanding of time, time always moves forward. We don't have control over time. Time controls us.
Hypothetically, in some future age of understanding of multiverses and dimensions, one may be able to visit different timelines or dimensions, but for safety, the rule would be observe only and not interact, if that were even possible given the potential for the "butterfly effect". In other words, even if the technology were to exist for time travel, or even visit some other timeline, you would have to be virtually invisible and undetectable to that other timeline,...or else. Your simple presence could set off an alternate chain of events.