The Spoiler King
Yes and no, I'm a realist and it's hard not to be critical if your feeling down. I have had ample opportunities to change and was unwilling to even try but I have also done things so far away from my comfort zone and continued to do them until I found a way to cope. I'm neither NT or a women so I fail to understand her before I even began the relationship. That doesn't mean I couldn't have done more, like they say it's the little things. Telling your wife she looks pretty, letting her pick what to watch, simply asking her out on a date and bringing her home flowers. These are the things that I have failed at mostly there the little things that are a mild discomfort for me to do but tell my wife she still heard and appreciated. At the moment my situation is a cautionary tale how overtime the little things turn into bigger things and how every women needs to feel special at least once in awhile. Her part is a lot more mental and related to traumas and abandonment issues she's left in attended since she was a child. At the moment she can't separate my unwillingness to address her issues she been asking to be look at and the neglect she feels with the feelings she had from a boyfriend that almost killed her with physical abuse. She has a long way to go as well but she's been actively trying to address certain things over years where as I haven't. If anyone is familiar with it she just started a set of the 12 steps and that can cause a lot of things to resurface. I'm hopeful that she may see more clearly when she finishes them a lot of the work at the end surrounds identifying and accepting your part and taking responsibility for your actions. I just need to work on myself for myself because even I'm aware how I've become codependent with her using her as a shield for my anxiety. Steer myself away from drugs and feelings of depression. Put one foot in front of the other and hope for the best whatever that ends up being.But to go back to you, you are being too hard on yourself!
And blah!!!