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Traits in yourself that you dont notice

I've got broad shoulders. Had to look up a few images to see what that meant and now I can see what they're talking about. It's apparently associated with a muscular physique going by the images, another trait that I somewhat notice but don't really fully grasp. Don't know, I mean, guess the potential is there, but it's not something I really actively work on outside the lifting I do at work.
So, what I mean is, either physical or non-physical traits/aspects/tendencies/whatever that you have, but... somehow YOU didnt originally realize. Yet others did, and said so, or perhaps you DID realize it yourself but it took like a zillion years before you noticed. I'm finding that this has occurred for me a few times, and I'm wondering if it has happened for any others here... if maybe it's an autism thing.

A couple of examples of my own:

First, there was one time where a few people I'd been talking to remotely later got to see me in person, right. One of the first comments thrown at me was "oh wow, a redhead!"

And I'm like... what? But... isnt my hair brown? I headed over to a mirror later on, one with lighting that isnt terrible, stared for awhile, and then... "oh gods I freaking see it now". I found this to be more than a bit distressing.

It then happened again, yesterday, during a doctor's appointment. The doctor is the sort of person who is clearly friendly and outgoing, quick to compliment others. While looking me over, checking my eyes, I get: "You have such nice blue-green eyes".

And just... what? Green? There's no green in there, it's just solid blue... here I suddenly remembered the hair thing, and later went to carefully examine (feeling like a doofus the whole time), and... oh yeah. I see it now. It's there, it must have always been there. How was I not aware of this?

Another one is speech patterns. If that's the right word. For instance, when I say "you", it doesnt come out like that: It always comes out as "ya". "You're" or "your" becomes "yer". There's more to it, those are just a couple of word examples. Nobody else in the family sounds like that. I only just realized this one recently (without anyone pointing it out this time).

That's the sort of thing I mean, though this can also extend to personality traits or habits, for instance. Overall, just things about yourself that somehow you didnt notice, yet they are there nonetheless.

Anyone else experience that?
keep in mind that colour is determined by lighting
conditions I am switching all my lights to LED day light to eliminate Metamerism. Incandescent lighting is not the best.
I wring my hands in a soothing motion when anxious. I don’t know that I’m doing this but apparently it’s a stim.

outside of the ASD I have a weird shape middle finger that’s a little more splayed out and wonky. I must have been an ay ay. But it’s embarrassing when people notice it, and comment.

I stick my tongue out when I concentrate too.


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