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Trashing people with different opinions

because for all I know something that's important to them may rely on that mistaken belief.
I get that, but its a massive issue for me aswell, atleast it used to be.
I just can not be silent when people are wrong, there's no middle ground about it with me.
Blue is not red, so why pretend it is?
As I get a little older I'm finding it easyer to take the high road, but I'm not happy with it, especially if the person is close to me.
I've mentioned having been suicidal in the past, and told him that I fear that suicide may be inevitable someday. I've had long term suicide plans for years. I'm just waiting until I can't cope anymore and I don't have anything to look forward to. I'm going to be finishing college and trying a new career starting next fall, and if that doesn't work and I still don't find life satisfying, then I will have had enough.
Please get help. Don't put it off.

I just can not be silent when people are wrong, there's no middle ground about it with me. Blue is not red, so why pretend it is?
It's not about pretending blue is red. It's about learning how to pick your battles.
If it is factual, I'll tell them the right answer, not just that they are wrong. For instance, "actually, Hitler came to power in '33, during world war one he was just a traitor, and he went to prison for it".

Sorry to derail....but umm...but let's get that timeline fixed.

Actually Adolf Hitler served honorably as a messenger and corporal in the German Army until the end of World War One. He was gassed and hospitalized shortly before Germany surrendered in 1918.

He continued to serve in the German Army after the war and in 1919 was ordered to infiltrate the "German Workers Party" to determine their motives. In roughly a year's time he went from being an infiltrator to being a committed member of the party which became known known as the "National Socialist German Workers Party". He was honorably discharged from the army in 1920, and became leader of the party in 1921.

In 1923 he staged an attempted coup to take over the government which failed. In 1924 he was subsequently tried for treason, pleaded guilty and served only nine months in the Landsberg Jail.
It's not about pretending blue is red. It's about learning how to pick your battles.
I am, slowly.
I still detest it when one of the few people I hold dear clings to a belief that can't possibly be right.
Someone once said (Richard Dawkins I think) something like "I respect you to much not to question your beliefs".
I'm not necessarily on about religion, but rather any belief or conviction that has a big impact on your life and those around you.
In 1923 he staged an attempted coup to take over the government which failed. In 1924 he was subsequently tried for treason, pleaded guilty and served only nine months in the Landsberg Jail.

Thanks for clearing that up. :D

I do hate being wrong.

I'm not necessarily on about religion, but rather any belief or conviction that has a big impact on your life and those around you.

I will update my beliefs according when given new information, so I sort of expect others to do the same. It seems reasonable. Lots of people don't seem to agree with that, though.
I used to feel compelled to persuade the world of my logic. It caused me a lot of anxiety. Now, I just share my perspective, usually without trashing others who disagree out loud. In my head, I might still trash them, but voicing it provides no logical benefit (in most cases). Wouldn't want to be a hypocrite.
when others respond to my opinion with emotional disagreement after I've practically proven them wrong, I find it as a sign of stupidity and incompetence and I often have an impulse to expose them and humiliate them ... I don't care if someone has a different opinion of their favorites movies, their preferred food choices, or some types of financial politics, but I generally get upset over more controversial related issues where I feel people are arguing with their emotional bias and I generally call them names such as an incompetent, simple minded idiot that doesn't belong in society ...
Has anyone else had a problem with this?

I have a problem keeping my mouth shut when it concerns what I consider important political or social issues. I don't accept emotional/religious bias or political correctness as relevant. Facts are facts. And, yes, I do consider people who ignore the facts to be incompetent, uninformed, lazy sissies who couldn't face the truth if they had the guts to uncover it. However, I rarely let that much venom loose on people. Not that I really care whether I hurt their feelings, but because I don't want them to cause me to become emotional. I can really tear people down when I want to (as can many Aspies I'm sure). Name calling doesn't really improve my position in the debate though. If I can't convince someone that their opinion is based on faulty information, then I'd rather just walk away with my dignity. Stupid people are not worth the effort.

On the other hand, I'm not very confrontational when it concerns opinions of movies, music, food, etc. I may explain the merits of my opinions as I see them, but I don't get animated or make judgments over it.
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Ereth I live in the UK so i do not now what a Dean is but i did try talking to the College and nothing happened which doesn't surprise me. She's a big hypocrite who sits on her high horse while she's being more disrespectful to the class, its a very pathetic sight to see.

By Jew problem i mean the demonization of Jews and *that* event which i won't mention because WWII is a very sensitive topic so i am treading carefully.

King_Oni lol Yeah i think i should've written that and you nailed it man. I haven't been to Germany, i would like to visit after i go on a world travel. But in here the teachers will go to so many lengths to deny that their not lying. It really pisses me off greatly, i really can't wait to finish this course and hightail it out of here.

But you pretty much got it, you took the words out of my mouth :D
Ereth I live in the UK so i do not now what a Dean is but i did try talking to the College and nothing happened which doesn't surprise me. She's a big hypocrite who sits on her high horse while she's being more disrespectful to the class, its a very pathetic sight to see.
A dean is basically an important college official. I'm sorry to hear that your concerns were dismissed.

By Jew problem i mean the demonization of Jews and *that* event which i won't mention because WWII is a very sensitive topic so i am treading carefully.

All right.

I know I'm veering off-topic here, but please don't be afraid to talk about the Holocaust. Don't be afraid to say that it happened, because it did. In the decades after the war, far, far too many people were afraid to talk about it, or wanted to pretend that it never happened because they made a profit on the stolen property of the countless murder victims, who were both Jewish and not Jewish. I understand you're trying to be sensitive, but I would prefer open discussion.
I understand you're trying to be sensitive, but I would prefer open discussion.

I happen to agree with your perspective here, Ereth, but for some like me who struggle with identifying social norms, it is hard to know when to be "politically correct." I don't discuss the holocaust for the same reason I don't discuss my opinion that Al Sharpton is one of the biggest racists to hit the political scene since abolition - you never know how folks will respond. I'm less guarded here than most places, but I can really relate to Volt's hesitancy to speak his mind on such subjects.
I don't discuss the holocaust for the same reason I don't discuss my opinion that Al Sharpton is one of the biggest racists to hit the political scene since abolition - you never know how folks will respond. I'm less guarded here than most places, but I can really relate to Volt's hesitancy to speak his mind on such subjects.
I don't really have an opinion of Al Sharpton one way or the other, but I can tell you that being afraid to talk about your opinion of someone is very different from talking about something that happened, and is verified by mountains of physical evidence and eyewitness testimony.
I don't really have an opinion of Al Sharpton one way or the other, but I can tell you that being afraid to talk about your opinion of someone is very different from talking about something that happened, and is verified by mountains of physical evidence and eyewitness testimony.

Yeah, I shouldn't have used a person as my example. Forget Sharpton. My point is that, whatever the topic, I am often afraid IRL to discuss anything I know to be "sensitive" to some people or some groups of people because I am so bad at understanding why "normal" people get offended at times. I would rarely be offended by discussion even if I disagreed w/ someone's point, you know?

As I said, I agree with you about the Holocaust, but I also get the motives for someone on the spectrum to be hesitant about discussing such things, no matter how much they agree/disagree.
Well, in any discussion with other people, Aspie or not, it's important to consider what is being discussed and with whom. In matters of opinion, this is especially vital. It's not necessarily about censoring yourself, but about realizing when and where certain topics are appropriate, and how best to address them.

For example, I was at a friend's house for dinner recently and one of the adult guests thought it would be wise to talk about his prostate . . .
And (meaning I don't see the problem with discussing someone's legitimate prostate issues)?
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Ereth I see, and thank you for your concern, it is very much appreciated. The teacher said that the Holocaust and the Gas chambers were made in WW1 and that Hitler was the leader during that time but she was blatantly wrong because she got her facts wrong if she had looked at a good history book, so i tried to calmly correct her but as said before, she ignored what i said and just completely denied the truth. This really pissed me off greatly.

I just really want to finish this course, its a horrible course and i regret picking it due to the class environment being very unfriendly and most people in this class are acting like idiots and annoy me greatly.

Sorry if this is off-topic but this why i want to set up a small business for some money while I am in College because i might never know what happens after College, so this is why i am currently studying business in my own free time and i am trying to find out what my services will provide.

I may also do a part time job on the side since having multiple income sources is a better idea rather than having a single source of income which may run out.

But other than that, i just don't want people to flip/snap when talking about WWII because when i talked about it openly in a place of discussion, boy did it turn nearly into a riot.

Also that adult guest must have ruined the dinner, though i wouldn't be put off but i can imagine others will.
Oh goodness, speaking of morons who have no business teaching a history class, I remember my sister's highschool history teacher! According to him, the Klondike gold rush did not began by discovering naturally occurring gold. The African slaves were all Egyptian and it was their Egyptian gold taken away by white task masters that was lost and scattered throughout California and all, and that's what really started the gold rush. Trying to find the Egyptian slaves' lost gold. I don't think I could have honestly tried to correct him if I'd heard it myself, because I was laughing so hard when my sister told it to me I couldn't speak. I was told some kids tried to correct him, but it didn't end well because he was a very abusive teacher too. Quite sad, really.

Most historical inaccuracies I've dealt with have been Biblical. When I was a kid, one teacher and I argued at length about how it was Noah who built the Ark that held all the animals, not Moses. I think I ended up pointing out the precise scripture, and then I got into a lot of trouble for the sheer act of arguing instead of blindly obeying her "because she was the adult". Just can't win some wars.
Ereth I see, and thank you for your concern, it is very much appreciated. The teacher said that the Holocaust and the Gas chambers were made in WW1 and that Hitler was the leader during that time but she was blatantly wrong because she got her facts wrong if she had looked at a good history book, so i tried to calmly correct her but as said before, she ignored what i said and just completely denied the truth. This really pissed me off greatly.

I just really want to finish this course, its a horrible course and i regret picking it due to the class environment being very unfriendly and most people in this class are acting like idiots and annoy me greatly.

I find that all quite disturbing. I've questioned an instructor or two over their uptake on some minor issues in history, but never encountered one who could get something so well documented so incredibly wrong. Hope you can get past this awful scenario and never encounter such an instructor again.

Thank you guys for understanding, I really appreciate that. I only have to survive until next September to get out of this cesspool, my "justice" reflex when other class members are factually incorrect was kicking in a lot so i am kind of disliked in the whole class because i disproved most of what they say that is factually incorrect. But, i don't care if they hate me, i am just here to finish the course. I think I'll survive with my sanity.
Ereth I see, and thank you for your concern, it is very much appreciated. The teacher said that the Holocaust and the Gas chambers were made in WW1 and that Hitler was the leader during that time but she was blatantly wrong because she got her facts wrong if she had looked at a good history book, so i tried to calmly correct her but as said before, she ignored what i said and just completely denied the truth. This really pissed me off greatly.
Oh, don't worry. I would have been pissed off too. That "teacher" is damn lucky I'm not in her class. Try again to contact someone at your college about this. She should not be teaching if she disseminates incorrect information and then refuses to acknowledge it.

But other than that, i just don't want people to flip/snap when talking about WWII because when i talked about it openly in a place of discussion, boy did it turn nearly into a riot.
I understand. But it's a shame. Discussions shouldn't be like that.

Also that adult guest must have ruined the dinner, though i wouldn't be put off but i can imagine others will.
Dinner wasn't ruined, because nobody really said anything (though I think I said "Is that appropriate dinner conversation?"). According to my mother, my dad was about to have a fit. Can't say I blame him.
I honestly just deal with so much anger and hatred for other people at times, and I don't wanna compromise like some mindless robot and play people's neurologically typical games to try and fit in. I don't even know what the purpose of living a life like this sometimes that I cannot change. I'm gonna find a permanent solution to my unwanted life sometime in the future though. I just don't have the guts yet.

Been there. Still there, in a way. Because so much of life is other people, living seems pointless if I can never get on the same wavelength as other people, especially if they seem to not even try or care to be on the same wavelength. And it seems maddening and impossible to get on with my life with these differences simmering underneath the surface of some bland social mask, the unsatisfying "let's just not talk about it since we can't agree," the meaningless and mocking "agree to disagree" because somehow it matters what other people think. Looking out at a stretch of life with no intellectual connection or closure.

Become a hermit.

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