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Travel/Holiday forum

Köln has its own style of beer - Kölsch - which is traditionally drunk from small (200ml) cylindrical glasses. The only time I’ve been there is passing through on the train, at night.
Something very strange happened to me yesterday. I wrote in a post I started about my waterfall interest and mentioned that I would buy some books on my interest and other things. I went onto Amazon and saw a book that was about the waterfalls in Yorkshire where someone I know lives. I bought the book and have wanted to see them but it was too difficult as I thought the trip took four hours to get to Yorkshire from London on the train. I had thought this for years and it always put me off. However, I started thinking if it was doable at 4 hours one way and when I wrote some places are just as long as going to abroad than a day trip on the train to Yorkshire this is what I meant.

However, yesterday I went on Google maps and saw that 4 hours to Yorkshire was actually in the car and when I clicked it I saw there was an option for the train and clicked it and it was only just around 2 hours 30 minutes one way to get to Yorkshire. I couldn’t believe it. I checked the ticket prices and it was so laughable with a discount card.

There are advantages to me staying in England for my health and I could get to meet someone at the same time. Also, I could take in a waterfall at the same. So, Yorkshire is seeming like my first place to go after two years on, it would be cheaper as well.
My aspie mother traveled half of every year for decades. I think she preferred the predictable and brief conversation of campgrounds. A big highlight of my life was a two month bicycle tour. Now, I don't sleep well enough away from home to enjoy it much. I definitely recommend bicycle travel near your home. You see far more and can stop anytime.
Look what arrived for me this morning in less than the time stated. The passport is now black. That was a good service. Seems it won't be needed for my next trip if that is to the Yorkshire Dales in England.


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Did we ever get anywhere with the travel forum?
(Off OS again in a couple of days - a week and a half in Vietnam.)

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