Yeah, similar for me. First was the ol' 2600. Never lost interest in it either. As a rule, I'd rather play that than the predatory and shallow modern crap that comes out these days. Same with arcade games, I've always adored those, but good luck finding a proper arcade now. Well.... I say that, but the biggest retro arcade of all is like 30 minutes from my house, and a smaller one closer, but not easy to reach.
As it is, about a year ago I got a stupidly expensive (like $4500) monster of a PC, and the main motivation was that I wanted it to be able to do ANYTHING at max everything without any trouble at all... including VR. And I wanted VR because of it's ability to recreate an entire retro arcade (via the 9000+ roms I have) and also the ability to recreate a setting like a bedroom from the 80s / 90s, complete with CRTs and everything and the ability to run all sorts of console games (old ones, roms) on those screens. Heck, run 15 at once if ya want. I have plenty of other things to do on VR and that machine in general, it's my main gaming device, but those are the main thing I grabbed it for and both get used alot.
I mean, playing roms on an emulator is great and all, but... nothing compared to doing it in an entire virtual recreation of those sorts of settings.
Honestly though I really miss those days. Even with all the advances in tech, I'd still love to go back to that time. Particularly when it comes to computers. Screw Windows, I want DOS back. And my old CGA & VGA stuff.
Yeah, there's alot that can be learned from gaming.
All the more reason that I get so annoyed at society in general trying to paint a picture of gaming as this braindead gun & gorefest. Thanks, giant stupid publishers, for that one. Bah. That's a whole other rant though.