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Unusual Phrases or Words?

Scottish accents seem to even be hard for Scottish people at times. They may have more variations per square mile than the rest of the UK.

I do like to hear them talk, though. I am laughing thinking about conversations I had with Scottish people. I am quite bad with understanding UK accents.
for some reason i find the Boston ,Mass accent hard to decipher.
i say Mass as there is Boston ,lincs
Scottish accents seem to even be hard for Scottish people at times. They may have more variations per square mile than the rest of the UK.

I do like to hear them talk, though. I am laughing thinking about conversations I had with Scottish people. I am quite bad with understanding UK accents.
My husband pointed out an "odd statement"

Hands me an old can of coke that lost it's fizz.
"This is void"

Apparently a more accurate statement world be "this is flat/old"
i get what you mean, the problem is people don't understand how literal i am and my need to plan burdens, if someone says want to do this at that time and i agree then i plan and budget energy for it to avoid stress, when they then unilaterally arrive fifteen minutes late and stretch the activity by another half an hour i'm at my wits end, tired annoyed and just want to get out of there, worst of all i realise that for most people all this isn't a big deal so saying anything will just make it worse, although if someone at that point says 'be reasonable' to me then i just melt down and leave because i don't feel that i should consistently be forced to explain myself because of their sloppiness
i cant get used to text speak do i have to answer their way
i DONT want to , DONT like phonetic speak, i was a child of the mid 70s, no computers ,
paper books
i used unite instead of meet ,my mam laughed- still DONT know why

i always get annoyed by people that cut of words in an attempt to be interesting, the word is delicious not delish, it's a symptom of society, making everything accessible to everyone so that no one has to feel bad about being stupid or lazy, the worst is manners, cost nothing to learn, require no intellect - only training and yet so few people these days seem to understand them
an Australian man said my accent sounded like Scottish ,Irish, geordie (which is just Newcastle upon Tyne ,nowhere else ) i always find that strange maybe its because my town is made up of Irish ,Scottish ,Welsh and a few southern English ancestors
Scottish accents seem to even be hard for Scottish people at times. They may have more variations per square mile than the rest of the UK.

I do like to hear them talk, though. I am laughing thinking about conversations I had with Scottish people. I am quite bad with understanding UK accents.
I my vocabulary is greater than many of my peers and I am always trying to be succinct so my speech may seem formal. I have also been told that I "sound European". But my accent is a standard American accent so I think the "European" comment comes from my lack of slang and my attempts at clear elocution.

Sometimes, in an effort to explain myself I can say some odd things. Once, when asking someone to slow down their speech I said "my ears don't hear as fast as you speak". My feal intention was to get them to slow down so I could process what they were saying.

I am constanly asking my husband to repeat himself, in part because he mumbles, but also because I need more time to process what he has said.

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