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V.I.P Upgrades

An important question, how exactly do you manage to have a gift subscription option? Does it need an extension that paid membership wouldn't otherwise need?
An important question, how exactly do you manage to have a gift subscription option? Does it need an extension that paid membership wouldn't otherwise need?
A gift subscription is when one member pays the subscription fee for another.

I happen to do it here and again to help support the forum.
Okay, does gifting option require a special extension? Also you said:
How hard is it for you to grasp that once in a while, I buy with my own money, aka gift a VIP membership to another member.
I bought a lifetime membership then realized that after I had done that, I no longer contributed to the financial support here.
My way of giving more is to share the gifted VIP memberships with others.

And no, I honestly do not know the nuts and bolts process of the coding involved because I do not do the IT work on this forum, I assist with the day to day operation of it.

Part of my job here is to give you and the membership a person they can freely communicate with on a day to day basis.
But my question was not how someone gifts V.I.P membership to someone else, but I wonder how the setup allows it, is an extension needed?
But my question was not how someone gifts V.I.P membership to someone else, but I wonder how the setup allows it, is an extension needed?
As I have already said, I do not know the IT end of it.

Why do you feel the need to know this?

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