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Visual imagination skills.


Active Member
I can entertain myself with my mind and create ideas that are pretty good at times, I use it to write fiction, solve problems, etc. I'm curious to hear how well others can do this.
I have synesthesia, and I mentally add colors to sounds or smells frequently. I also tend to have more vivid recollections of abstract things (book knowledge), and I really enjoy it but have found I am frequently upside-down or backwards with things like series of numbers and letters unfortunately... so there are a few limits on my imagination's usefulness. (It's plastic though. >.> Perhaps there's a way to really max it out)
I have synesthesia, and I mentally add colors to sounds or smells frequently. I also tend to have more vivid recollections of abstract things (book knowledge), and I really enjoy it but have found I am frequently upside-down or backwards with things like series of numbers and letters unfortunately... so there are a few limits on my imagination's usefulness. (It's plastic though. >.> Perhaps there's a way to really max it out)

I guess if I obviously understood your previous comment, (best Jeff Foxworthy impression) I might be an Aspie!!!? :P
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I can play chess blindfolded, to some degree. I find it quite difficult to imagine a chessboard manually then having to continually update the position after each move, but I manage :)
My biggest skill, that I will never perfect, has been acrylic painting. Mostly hobby...maybe unique and marketable some day in future. Kind of wish I had more ambition more often. But, once I get mentally into painting I know why Einstein said ("Mass=The Speed of light Squared")
There is no telling how looong that wave can be ridden!!? ;)
Aspie Central NAZI! Sorry, only trying to be funny...I've met some of them! They "hated" me!!
What is E=mc2 mean? "Everything is relative...when I'm in the zone; a hour can fly by like a minute...hard to explain, sry.
And my meditation time can bring me an image of a project idea or uniquely interesting new ways to use the paint. I wanted to share how my imagination can visualize a bit differently (more in color and abstract ideas that include a visual, albeit in my imagination) sometimes I have struggles transforming the mental pic/idea into a final art project..I need to know how some of you cope with the depression/low self esteem? Thanks to all! (Sry, I'm done)
This was just worked on while listening to sum R&B! :)

Not done yet!!! ...let me know if you want to see how I lay the detail and color?
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I can entertain myself with my mind and create ideas that are pretty good at times, I use it to write fiction, solve problems, etc. I'm curious to hear how well others can do this.

Yeah, me too. My mind's pretty much constantly going full-speed ahead, and damn the torpedoes. :P
I can entertain myself with my mind and create ideas that are pretty good at times, I use it to write fiction, solve problems, etc. I'm curious to hear how well others can do this.
All of this, and I can visualize a lot of things like a painting I've seen once, and alot of other things that I don't necessarily have to see, but still can visualize them. (examples fail me at this point of time.) Most of my (creative) thoughts/ ideas are produced when I'm laying in my bed in the dark. I feel comfortable in the dark, I can relax and think properly in the calm darkness, without irritating factors that nerve me like certain sounds at certain times.
I can entertain myself with my mind and create ideas that are pretty good at times, I use it to write fiction, solve problems, etc. I'm curious to hear how well others can do this.

I live in my mind ... sure, where else?
This also explains why I don't like physical sex -- it can't live up to my imagination, so why bother?
For any unknown reason, if something like say, driving through a particular town is described in a story, it appears incredibly real, much more than actually doing it. Same applies for my imagination, it's like 3D as compared to an awkward pencil sketch called (physical) reality.
Heh... I'm somewhere in the middle. I can't read any fiction since I have a hard time visualizing it, yet when I was working on my own illustrations I managed to capture a mood pretty well. So for me it's hard to envision what someone else means, but I have no issues in getting out what I want to do myself.

Similarly I'm terrible at giving suggestions for others on visual things. I tend to be more of the "let me give it a shot" type of person. Perhaps I'm just a bit more hands on rather than living in my mind too much with it.

Though I'm not always busy with pretty pictures and graphics. Quite a lot of things I have going on mentally, are abstract ideas. Questions often don't really warrant for a nice picture (unless you question a picture), thus those float around, not even visualized as a set of letters... but rather as something without a shape. The more I think how my thoughts form, the more I get confused by the absence of shape or presence...

What's interesting though that for something that's rather abstract; I often hear music and visualize either how the song is being played on an instrument. I don't imagine a band or anything with it, it's more like an automated process which probably looks more like an abstract version of guitar hero than anything else, lol. Unfortunately it doesn't make it so that I could play any song I hear by pitch... I'm terrible in recognized the correct notes, but I seem to have a thing for rhytmn a lot more.

So for me it's really a mixed bag.

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