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Visual imagination skills.

All of this, and I can visualize a lot of things like a painting I've seen once, and alot of other things that I don't necessarily have to see, but still can visualize them. (examples fail me at this point of time.) Most of my (creative) thoughts/ ideas are produced when I'm laying in my bed in the dark. I feel comfortable in the dark, I can relax and think properly in the calm darkness, without irritating factors that nerve me like certain sounds at certain times.
My imagination has no limits; I actually have to control it or I'll cause myself intense mental, physical and/or emotional agony. I compare it to drifting down a stream or brook at high speed while looking straight up. I can feel the temperature of the air, see the tree limbs, branches, leaves, light filtering through the canopy, birds flying over head, my head being rocked back and forth by the water currents as well as the cold chill of the water and the resultant changes in breathing/lung function going on inside of me. I'm a very detail sensitive person that can put himself in the thick of the moment.

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