Keeping in mind that I had no idea about autism, and no idea that I could possibly be autistic, One of my biggest fears in my everyday life was being caught. I couldn't figure out what I was afraid of being caught as, though. It's not that I was doing anything bad or making mistakes that I was afraid someone would discover, it was different than that. I could never put into words what I was afraid of and the closest I came was in talking to my sister. I was trying to explain this fear and told her it was like I was afraid of being found out, like I was hiding something even though I didn't really feel like I was hiding anything. But I was afraid of people finding out the person I was or that there was something wrong with me that I was afraid other's might see.
I knew I was different and I knew I never felt like I fit anywhere in this world. I knew I had no interest in what other's did. Everyone liked the same shows - I didn't. Everyone liked the same styles - I didn't. So on and so on. The fact that I had no interest in these things didn't bother me, except I could not participate in conversations about those popular things. I was caught and questioned about rocking a few times, but I was just a little embarrassed and hadn't realized I was and really didn't know why or that I was doing it (though when I stopped I did realize it was more comforting when I did rock). Everything about me was different.
Where was this fear of being caught coming from? It was when I learned about the autism and masking that I finally knew what it was. It was being afraid of someone finding out who I was - now I can put a label on it - afraid of someone finding out I was autistic. I think that was one of the hardest things in dealing with not knowing and why I feel so strongly about diagnosing, whether it's self or professional. So no one else has to go through life hiding something that they can't even figure out what it is. I want them to know it and know to be okay with it and not live in that unknown fear. If you don't know where the fear is coming from you can't fight it. So knowing or not knowing may or may not have changed a lot of things in my life, but it would have changed living with the unknown, which is no life at all.