i was being a bit sexually expressive than i was when i was wearing black underwear,which felt like panties when i did,i also had a stuffed animal plushie that i used for a sex toy
To each his own, of course, but my plushie (I've only got one) would never be involved in anything sexual. It even makes me feel a bit uncomfortable when he's around if I'm doing that.
By the way, it's good to see another New Yorker here who's both autistic and into diapers. Do you go on any ABDL websites? ADISC is wonderful.
Can I bring you,
@Misty Avich, back into the conversation, even though you last commented a year ago? I just want you to understand something: Someone whose brain isn't wired to like diapers, or to act like a baby in other ways, can't ever truly get it. It's not your fault.
Whether "factory-made" or as a result of certain life experiences, we have these desires - and it's not by our choice. While you're correct that, unlike someone with incontinence, we have the choice to abstain, it would be a very, very difficult choice, one that would be suppressing real needs that we have.
I don't think that you would truly want us to choose such suffering. (Yes, suffering.) If you saw into my brain during an extreme attack of anxiety, then saw how calm I can get just by using a bit of babytalk and thinking as a baby, I don't think that you'd tell me to stop - just because it's strange and your mind can't comprehend how such a thing can be beneficial.
Please forgive me if my words appear harsh. I'm just trying to make ourselves clear.