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Weird "icky" things


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
What are some of the things you consider icky? Textures, tastes, smells or objects that really put you off?

For me, loose hairs. Especially loose hairs that cling to my skin when I am showering or fall down my shirt. It's like thin little worms strangling me or tickling me. <shudder>
I don't like things on my plate, that are looking back at you.

...or looking like they are about to say something for that matter.

Ooh! This is the opposite of the post I made!

Offensive Scents:

Mass transit in the middle of July

Pulp Mills

Steel Mills

Auto Exhaust near the freeway

When did you last shower?

Aerosol Anything

Pepper Trees

Dog Business



Pine Sol

Public Bathrooms

Unwashed Laundry

Certain overpowering Laundry Detergents
@Suzette I’m so with you re: hair. I’ve never spoken to anyone who hates it as much as I do. The shower ones are the worst. I hate taking showers for this very reason.
@Suzette I’m so with you re: hair. I’ve never spoken to anyone who hates it as much as I do. The shower ones are the worst. I hate taking showers for this very reason.
Especially when the hairs wrap around your fingers and toes and stick to bar soap. Blech! (Always use liquid soap!)
Eating a hair by mistake or in food ick!

Also, everything in the above posts!

Plus, slugs on my home grown veg.


Overboiled water.

Undercooked or unpleasant food served by someone I don't want to offend.

Black Widows.o_O

Sticky cups.

Spider Webs.

Really BIG spiders.


Sticky and yellow toilet seats.

Weird Bugs.

Tarantulas covered in chocolate.:confused::confused:

Uncooked raw anything.:confused:
Especially when the hairs wrap around your fingers and toes and stick to bar soap. Blech! (Always use liquid soap!)

Ugghh yes, the toe ones. Or right after you brush your hair, knowing there are errant hairs clinging to your shirt. I lunge for the lint roller the second I finish grooming myself.
Black Widows.o_O

Sticky cups.

Spider Webs.

Really BIG spiders.


Sticky and yellow toilet seats.

Weird Bugs.

Tarantulas covered in chocolate.:confused::confused:

Uncooked raw anything.:confused:

Black widows are horrifying. I grew up in Las Vegas, and we had them there. It’s crazy, how can a person live her life knowing that there are black widows lurking around every bend, just waiting to spring forth and ruin your life?
Black widows are horrifying. I grew up in Las Vegas, and we had them there. It’s crazy, how can a person live her life knowing that there are black widows lurking around every bend, just waiting to spring forth and ruin your life?

They even walk creepy.
Any kind of bugs in the house, especially in my bedroom

Mice and the noise they make stresses me too

Cigarette smoke
Things that come out off babies. Being the father of five I have been peed on, pooped on and puked on more than I care to remember. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids very much. But I was always glad when that phase was over.
Especially when the hairs wrap around your fingers and toes and stick to bar soap. Blech! (Always use liquid soap!)
A lot of shower ickiness. I don't like standing in the shower with bare feet. I always wear flip-flops in the shower. When I was a kid and took baths, I hated any part of my body touching the sides of the tub. I don't like the feel of the wet porcelain and the grout can be nasty-looking.
I don't like stepping on nasty things (bugs/roadkill/gum), even with shoes on. I never understood how some people can kill bugs by stepping on them. I would be too grossed out.
Ugghh yes, the toe ones. Or right after you brush your hair, knowing there are errant hairs clinging to your shirt. I lunge for the lint roller the second I finish grooming myself.
I brush my hair outside so any breeze can blow it away.
One of my most horrifying memories from childhood is stepping on a banana slug.
It was as big as my foot but squashed like a overripe banana.
Weird "icky" List:

Moldy food
Sour milk

Bloody stool
Necrotic tissue
Bed sores
The smell of drunk, urine-soaked, unbathed street people

Bad breath
Fat waggly triceps on women
I don't like different food touching each other on the same plate.

For other food:
Can't stand Durian.
The texture of eggs is disturbing.
Brussels Sprouts. I call them little fart balls.
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Oh yeah, totally durian. It's illegal in several countries for a reason.
I don't know about illegal, but in Kuala Lumpur there were NO DURIAN signs on some buildings and buses.

[edit] I usually try something once before deciding. Ate Durian at a night market once and the best I can describe it is like eating peaches and cream in an outhouse.
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