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Weird "icky" things

This thread makes me want to throw up.
For me, it's:
Surgical stuff
Needles/sharp knives and scissors
Textures of certain foods
Body odor
Other people vomiting, and the smell that follows
People picking their noses (and especially eating it!!! Yuck!!!)
Food that still looks like an intact animal, like others have mentioned
Food with bones in it
Decomposing dead things
I still get a little squeamish about my friend's hunting dogs retrieving dead birds
Anything with maggots or flies in it
The ocean and especially being underwater (not just icky, but absolutely terrifying)
Smelly genitals
Dog poop with worms or other parasites in it
Certain types of ASMR videos
Making out
Stinky feet
Public transit buses
Bad breath (humans but also dogs)
Animals eating their own waste
Smelly garbage and dumpsters
Public toilets/porta potties
Butt hair
Some types of porn, but I won't go into detail on that one
Any kind of torture, even if it's "just a movie", yeah, nope
Really long fingernails and toenails
Some kinds of ethnic foods that my best friend's family eats at holidays that I'm invited to (he's Polish), idk what they're called, but some kind of rotten cabbage thing and meat pies and something that resembles fermented fish. I don't want to be rude and disrespect their culture or anyone's culture, but I've tried eating all those things and was gagging. But kielbasa is really good!! Though I was skeptical about trying it at first.
So yeah, that's a shortened list of things that gross me out. I know there are more, but those are the major ones. Now excuse me while I go barf. Lol
I hate the way tomatoes and peppers feel when I bite into them. I used to think it was the flavor, but it's definitely the feel.

This is hardly weird, but I can't stand hypodermic needles. Or gore. I can deal with severed limbs, bot no guts or anything.
I hate the way tomatoes and peppers feel when I bite into them. I used to think it was the flavor, but it's definitely the feel.
I feel that way about eggs. The texture is disturbing to me.

One of the hardest things for me was when working in Japan, my hosts treated me to real Sukiyaki where you dip what you are going to eat in raw egg before consuming it.Knowing what an honor my hosts intended, I manned up and actually began enjoying the meal. Little did I know that at meals thereafter they ratcheted the gaijin discomfort factor up a notch. I swear, they were playing the "what can we get this gaijin to eat" game. I drew the line at natto, which I thought of as snotto.
I feel that way about eggs. The texture is disturbing to me.

One of the hardest things for me was when working in Japan, my hosts treated me to real Sukiyaki where you dip what you are going to eat in raw egg before consuming it.Knowing what an honor my hosts intended, I manned up and actually began enjoying the meal. Little did I know that at meals thereafter they ratcheted the gaijin discomfort factor up a notch. I swear, they were playing the "what can we get this gaijin to eat" game. I drew the line at natto, which I thought of as snotto.

Did you ever get to try Amazake? I adore it! It's a beverage that kind of tastes like horchata, that is made by fermenting rice.
The ocean and especially being underwater (not just icky, but absolutely terrifying)
I find that sad. Another later in life thing for me was learning SCUBA. I enjoy the fish and critters as a naturalist, but more transcedant is the feeling of being weightless (despite 60+ lbs. of gear) and able to freely move in all three dimensions.
Did you ever get to try Amazake? I adore it! It's a beverage that kind of tastes like horchata, that is made by fermenting rice.
No, I have not. But am good with flavors (I've signed up for a Thai cooking course . Pa-naeng curry, here i come!), so can imagine the delisciousness. (best Horchata I've had was in Heredia, Costa Rica, washing down coffeewood roasted chicken and patacones at Pollo del Monte)
I find that sad. Another later in life thing for me was learning SCUBA. I enjoy the fish and critters as a naturalist, but more transcedant is the feeling of being weightless (despite 60+ lbs. of gear) and able to freely move in all three dimensions.
It is kinda sad, but my reasoning is that I can’t swim. I don’t have the strength
blenders and other very sharp very loud things

undercooked carrots & cauli in curry sauce

moldy food, moldy smell, moldy houses

Exhaust fumes from diesel engines

and even though this isn’t weird, labels inside clothing

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