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Has anybody else ever grown out of a stimm?
Lol I do the same exact things.Yep. Mine are:
- Making cat-like noises (hissing, spitting noises, cat fighting noises, purring noises if I'm happy or calm). The noises are usually accompanied by a swipe of my hand or two (if I'm annoyed, frustrated, nervous or angry) I know it sounds really weird, but its just what i do.
- Jiggling my leg when I'm nervous or anxious
- Tapping my fingers one after the other quickly
- Chewing strips of skin beside fingernails (gross, i know, but I can't stop doing it!)
- Pulling skin off top lip when nervous
And I Googled the repeating things "e" word and I think the word is "echolalia"?
Skin, hair, and nail picking. Not being able to get comfortable or sit still, always sliding down in my chair then pulling myself back up. Constantly adjusting clothes or hair, or itching. Taking my glasses off and putting them back on, can't get them comfortable either.