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We'll reach a million messages soon.

If the daily messages are steady, we will hit 1 million messages in about a month.
So this math was definitely off. Whoops. My bad. Not even really sure how I came up with that. But, here we are, just a couple days away from 1 million.
Assuming no posts get deleted in the meantime the forum itself will list the 1 millionth post as 1054136 when someone wants to check.

This one is listed as 1053851
Assuming no posts get deleted in the meantime the forum itself will list the 1 millionth post as 1054136 when someone wants to check.

This one is listed as 1053851

I think we have to go by this number:

Threads - 41,596
Messages - 999,726

Deleted messages shouldn't count.
Because lets be honest. Its not going to pause at 1 million. We will probably gain about 20 posts within a minute around the 1 million mark from people trying to get it haha
If 1 million isnt someone with vip yet maybe someone should gift them vip to celebrate. I have a feeling odds are it will be vip though

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