You know, as much as I
want to believe that the apocalypse is coming "soon", there's something I've always noticed about doomsday, ever since 2012.
1. An organization of some sort, like a church network or a team of scientists, "discover" something [that's actually not news and that a small percentage of people already know about, correct me if I'm wrong] devastating and make predictions.
2. The predictions are made and then a date is decided for Doomsday to happen in some form, in 2012 we had the fictional planet Nibiru falling on our heads, which
NASA themselves actually blatantly disproved, in 1999 we had the poorly-coded Y2K bug which I was alive to hear about, and in Christmas of the year I was born [1996] a bunch of spaceships and angels were supposed to show up. For reference,
here's a list of dates predicted for the world to end.
3. Preparations are made for everyone to be mentally and spiritually ready for the date to come and how we should deal with it coming, then everyone panics. Or doesn't.
4. The date eventually comes....
but nothing happens! Instead, it's nothing but a simple rainstorm (at least over here where I live, it rained in Dec 21st 2012). And to capitalize on the hype, thousands of people on YouTube the world over get their cell phone cameras ready and their special effects software open to film something in their backyard that's COMPLETELY NORMAL TO HAPPEN, doctor it up for something to move around or flash some kind of strange light with zero sound effects, then go on for twenty minutes about how it's a sign of the world ending or Cthulu Fhtagn coming back to eat the world's trees or some hippie crap.
Seriously, has no one else noticed this? I have been seeing it happen for thirteen years straight. I mean, don't get me wrong, the world is definitely going to end one day and the world is definitely eventually going to be destroyed, but we never see it actually happen on the days we predict it to happen. And I'm certain we'll be dead before the planet is, unless the good Lord Himself saves us first (well, those who deserve it anyway). I'm not saying it's never going to happen, I'm saying it's not going to happen this soon. While there is a bunch of stuff that COULD destroy the Earth, nothing has succeeded yet. So, right now, I'm not very worried myself.
We're a tough planet. We still have time.