Most doomsday predictions are not scientifically based. Rather it is a mass belief that usually beginsthe world is definitely going to end one day and the world is definitely eventually going to be destroyed, but we never see it actually happen on the days we predict it to happen.
around some unusual incident such as the alignment of the planets or someone's psychic prediction and such.
Even if there are scientifically sound reasons due to the world's climate, no one could predict the exact
day. Just a generalization of approximate time span.
It is true that the planet and it's inhabitants will one day be destroyed. Somehow.
So why or perhaps I should say what creates such a strong drive to stop the inevitable in
the human race? To the point of living under domes on the moon or terraforming a dead planet
when we are no where near being able to create such an undertaking.
That seems to be the main reason the individual person does everything to prevent death even though
that is inevitable also.
Ever stop to examine why we feel this way about the perpetuation of the species?
The genetics of our DNA perhaps?