Right now I fancy the idea of learning Norwegian and Icelandic. One at a time. Maybe. I can't decide![]()
Akkurat (Right) nå (now) liker (fancy) jeg (I) ideen (the Idea) av å (of) lære (learning) Norsk og (and) Islandskt. En (One) på (at) en (a) gang (time). Kanskje (Maybe). Jeg (I) kan (can) ikke (not) bestemme (decide) meg (myself).
Akkurat nå liker jeg ideen av å lære meg Norsk og Islandskt. En om gangen. Kanskje. Jeg får ikke bestemt meg.
**Past Simple
I liked. Jeg Likte
**Present Simple
I like. Jeg Liker
**Future Simple
I will Like. Jeg vil Like.
«Jeg vil like dansing en gang i fremtiden» → «I will like dancing one time in the future»
It is called, *bestemt form* in Norwegian. (Not just any object, *The* object):
«[The] Idea» → «Ide[en]»
«[The] Chair» → «Stol[en]»
Opposite is, *Ubestemt form*.
«An Idea» → «En Ide»
«A Chair» → «En Stol»
So you basically just append an *en* to the noun when referring to a previously mentioned noun.
You prepend an *en* when the noun is just any instance of that noun.
Though, I must admit I am not even good at Norwegian grammar. Even though it's my native language. But maybe this gives you an idea, if you don't already know.
* Writing and creating a software to create music with
* Creating not-complete songs, but riffs or rather small patterns of tones in harmony using the guitar. I will use them later when (if) I have finished my software to form complete songs
* Most recent obsession I had involved learning to use Linux entirely from the keyboard; I can no longer stand clicking on things. I just tell my computer, DO THIS!
* Also a recent one, Open Source. I no longer use any proprietary software on my private computer
Whenever I am really fascinated or drawn to a tv-show, I sit until I drop. I get so tired that I never do not forget all of the character's names. Which is terrible, and I look as if I've never seen the show when telling what it's about
I am developing interest in Politics and Injustice and Corruption and History, but they are by no means being pursued yet. Also I wish to refine my English grammar, English is a second language of mine.