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What are your opinions on alcohol? (Questions)


So what in your opinion is what makes such a forum "addictive", given your obvious dislike of being personally criticized or "silenced" ?

Particularly if like so many of us on the spectrum, that we have a nebulous sense of "feeling on the outside, and looking in". Which doesn't make for an addictive place to be from my own perspective, unless perhaps one truly enjoys masochistic combat rather than civil discourse.
I don't quite follow what you're asking. Could you dumb it down, just a little bit?
What is it that attracts you to such a toxic online environment ? And do you consider this an asset or a liability on your part?
Well Facebook hasn't been toxic to me. An autism site has though (not this one). But I'm not there any more.

The topic of this thread as stated by OP is to reply to these questions:

1) Do you drink socially with your friends? Do you have any friends/family members who drink socially?
2) What things have you heard about drinking (along with certain factors like medication) that made you not want to try alcohol?
3) Would you ever want to try alcohol once you turn 21 or if you're 21+ and haven't tried alcohol yet or took a break from it?

Further replies should be directed toward that end.

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